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Node package for generating a static file styleguide from markup

This package is inspired by the Styleguide Boilerplate. The goal is to provide a styleguide that renders to static HTML files.

Modern frontend development mostly uses node.js for build-tasks so it was obvious to implement such a tool using node.js.


There are two types of installations:

  • As a local module: npm install --save npm-dw-styleguide
  • As a global module: npm install -g npm-dw-styleguide


When using the styleguide there are two ways of usage: as a node-package or as a cli-application.


Using the npm-dw-styleguide via the cli you need to install it as a global module.

There is a help-page integrated:

dw-styleguide CLI

    dw-styleguide [opts] input-path output-path
    dw-styleguide [opts] -o|--output output-path input-path

  Avalilable Options:
    -o, --output            The output path
    -d, --documentation     The documentation path

        --input-pages-path   The input pages path
        --output-pages-path  The output pages path

        --template-styleguide-stylesheet  Styleguide-Template: The styleguide css

    -s, --template-src-stylesheets       Content(iframe)-Template: Array of stylesheets set in head.
        --template-src-header-scripts    Content(iframe)-Template: The scripts added to the head section of the document
        --template-src-footer-scripts    Content(iframe)-Template: Scripts added at the bottom of the document body
        --template-src-head-end-code     Content(iframe)-Template: Code block at the end of document head
        --template-src-body-start-code   Content(iframe)-Template: Code block at the start of document body
        --template-src-body-end-code     Content(iframe)-Template: Code block at the end of document body

        --template-path     The root of the iframe content template file
        --templates-path    The root of the template files

        --full-template     The template file for the full styleguide page
        --reduced-template  The template file for the reduced styleguide pages
        --iframe-template   The template file for the iframe content pages

        --doc-not-found     The template string for the documentation not found hint
        --web-root          The web-root of the styleguide
    -h, --help              This help page

As a node-package

Using the styleguide as a node.js package is really easy. Require the package and call the function with options.

var dwStyleguide = require('dw-styleguide');

function callback() {
  console.log('styleguide is ready');

  inputPath: 'markup',
  outputPath: 'styleguide'
}, callback);

There are a bunch of options you can use:

  • inputPath: The path where all the markup can be found. This is required.

  • outputPath: The path where the rendered files will be put. This is required.

  • docPath: The path where all documentation files can be found.

  • inputPagesPath: The input pages path.

  • outputPagesPath: The output pages path.

  • templateStyleguideStylesheet: The basic stylesheets of the styleguide (can be overwritten, not recommended).

  • templateStyleguideAdditionalStylesheets: The additional stylesheets to include for customizing the whole theme.

  • templateSrcStylesheets: The stylesheets for the single/iframe document.

  • templateSrcHeaderScripts: The scripts added in the head-section of the document,

  • templateSrcFooterScripts: The scripts added at the end of the document body.

  • templateSrcHeadEndCode: Code block at the end of document head;

  • templateSrcBodyStartCode: Code block at the start of document body;

  • templateSrcBodyEndCode: Code block at the end of document body;

  • templatesPath: The root folder for the nunjucks-templates

  • templateSrcPath: The root folder for the nunjucks-templates for the iframe/content template

  • fullTemplate: The filename/relative path to the full styleguide template

  • reducedTemplate: The filename/relative path to the reduced (single view) template

  • iframeTemplate: The filename/relative path to the sindlge iframe template)

  • docNotFoundTemplate: The template rendered when no documentation file is found

  • webPath: The relative path to the styleguide from the web-root

  • showdownOptions: The options for the showdown converter

  • additionalTemplateVars: Here you can pass additional variables for the template. These are accessible via additionalVars in the custom template.

Also you can pass a callback to the function to get notified asyncronously about the success.

As a grunt-plugin

There is a simple grunt-wrapper for this module. For more options refer to the Plugin: grunt-dw-styleguide