Russian full text search dictionary for PostgreSQL.
Copy russian.affix and russian.dict files into PostgreSQL share/tsearch_data
Create russian language dictionary.
create text search dictionary russian_ispell (
template = ispell,
dictfile = russian,
afffile = russian,
stopwords = russian
After that you can create new configuration or alter one provided by PostgreSQL.
Creation of new configuration named ru
-- Create configuration based on existing one.
create text search configuration ru (
copy = pg_catalog.russian
-- Alter configuration to use russian_ispell dictionary.
alter text search configuration ru
alter mapping for hword, hword_part, word with russian_ispell, russian_stem;
Test configuration with this query.
select to_tsvector('ru', 'мама мыла раму'); -- 'мама':1 'мыло':2 'мыть':2 'рама':3
You need pass configuration name ru
to every search query or you can set it as default configuration in postgresql.conf
set default_text_search_config = 'ru';
Instead of creating new configuration you can alter existed configuration pg_catalog.russian
You will need additional rights for this.
alter text search configuration pg_catalog.russian
alter mapping for hword, hword_part, word with russian_ispell, russian_stem;