This a template to get you started on developing a DBOS backed application on your local machine with docker-compose or microk8s
A Helm configuration (tested with microk8s) is also provided.
cd backend
npm run install
npm run build
cd ..
cp .env.tpl .env
docker compose up
To see that it's working, visit: http://localhost:3000/db/version
and you should get this message: Connection succesfull! version: {POSTGRES_VERSION}.
To check the Kafka integration visit http://localhost:3000/kafka/producer
and you should see a message in the console.
with your microk8s running run
microk8s status
and the output should look like
high-availability: no
datastore master nodes:
datastore standby nodes: none
dashboard # (core) The Kubernetes dashboard
dns # (core) CoreDNS
ha-cluster # (core) Configure high availability on the current node
helm # (core) Helm - the package manager for Kubernetes
helm3 # (core) Helm 3 - the package manager for Kubernetes
hostpath-storage # (core) Storage class; allocates storage from host directory
ingress # (core) Ingress controller for external access
metrics-server # (core) K8s Metrics Server for API access to service metrics
registry # (core) Private image registry exposed on localhost:32
Edit your .env file and set REGISTRY to localhost:32000/ (sorry the trailing slash is not optional)
Install kafka following the directions from here and then run the following commands
docker compose build
docker push localhost:32000/app-backend-db
docker push localhost:32000/app-backend
docker push localhost:32000/app-keycloak-db
docker push localhost:32000/app-keycloak
cd helm
cp values.yaml.tpl values.yaml
Edit helm/values.yaml.
Set the app hostPath to point to the app dir (e.g. /home/user/projects/dbos-app/backend) Set the db hostPath to point to the where you want postgres to keep its data (e.g. /tmp/backend-db)
To install run from within the helm directory helm install -f values.yaml dbos dbos-app/ -n dbos-app --create-namespace
To uninstall run helm uninstall dbos --namespace dbos-app
Add app.dbosapp.test
to your /etc/hosts
Visit https://app.dbosapp.test/db/version
and you should get this message: Connection succesfull! version: ${POSTGRES_VERSION}.
Most of the boilerplate is here so modify to your needs and write your DBOS backed application.
Create oauth2-proxy helm files