For the fourth time in four years, Oracle has changed how it prices and licences Java and like many in the industry, I've found myself puzzled by the nuances of Oracle's Java licensing.
The transition from Oracle JDK to alternative distributions has sent ripples across the Java community, and the result is that many organisations that rely on Java are switching from the Oracle JDK to OpenJDK and taking advantage of significant cost savings in the process.
This project tries to answer the question; Which JDK should I choose to run a Quarkus application?
Recently I discovered a Quarkus Discord group and they are happy to do this test collaboratively. Not only one result but a collaborative result.
Join the group to see the project discussion and/or to collaborate.
You can join/help this effort as well, by cloning the project and sending your results.
Feel free to Fork this project and adapt it to your needs. This idea could be pivoted to several other things, like other Frameworks, and other OS, it could be on the top of Kubernetes or using a cloud provider and so on ...
- Which openJDK has the best results for Quarkus?
- Which open JDK has the worst result?
- Is there any pattern in the results?
It would be nice to say/show if Azul is really the best or if Oracle is a bad choice or if Red Hat is not the best with Quarkus
- Deploy Time
- Image Size
- Startup Time
- Memory Consumption
- Throughput
- Define what type of application we want to try out. (start with a simple CRUD)
- Define a list of 10-ish openJDK to test out.
This library is still in development, suggestions, improvements and fixes are welcome. Please submit a pull request.
Free - Open