Initial repo for exploratory work for DICOM parameter visualization for NAMIC Project Week 40.
- Select a set of important DICOM tags based on Table 5 in this paper:
- Query for these DICOM tags in QIN-Prostate-Repeatability, ProstateX, and other prostate collection in IDC
- Save the csv in /data/hiplot_qin_prostate.csv
- Use the hiplot package to create an interactive plot in colab
- Do this for T2, DWI and ADC
- Add the development of rules -- detecting localizer, orientations, etc.
- Use the /data/hiplot_qin_prostate.csv as dataframe
- Set up environment using requirements_streamlit.txt file - TO DO.
- Use streamlit to create/run app
- Run using:
streamlit run
- Will open http://localhost:8502/