Custom SegmentedСontrol for ios on swift. Basic UISegmentedСontrol edit not weak and does not use the scroll, which will be added in this control
Create cell:
let cell = SPSegmentedControlCell.init()
cell.label.text = "Avenir"
cell.imageView.image = UIImage.init(named: "imageName")
cell.layout = .textWithImage
Create SegmentedСontrol:
let segmentedСontrol = SPSegmentedControl.init()
segmentedСontrol.add(cell: cell)
and set frame, add as subview
SPSegmentedControlCellStyleDelegate use for update state cell when it happen (tap on cell or scroll optional). SPSegmentedControlDelegate you can use for detect position IndicatorView in SegmentedControl for cool animation and UI
You can use storyboard for create SegmentedСontrol. In SegmentedControl you can edit IndicatorView for customization selected view on SegmentedControl
In the project you will find my library Sparrow, it's what I use. But if needed, you can easily to remove it and do not use Sparrow in their projects
SPSegmentControl project is released under the MIT license. See for details.