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Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust. it is a toolkit for building decentralized consist of testing framework like Hardhat, truffle and Dapptools.

foundry provide three tools

forge ==> used to deploy,compile and format the code

cast ==> it also used to interact with contract that have been already deployed

anvil ==> to spin up the local blockchain, forking the mainnet etc.

how to download foundary with forge library

    • If you use Windows, you need to build from source to get Foundry.
      Download and run rustup-init from It will start the installation in a console.
      After this, run the following to build Foundry from source:

      now create a new project with forge init "projectname"

  • file structure

    it has src folder which contains main solidity code

    it has test folder which contains test solidity code by running the each code that is import in it

    script folder from this folder we will deploy our code on onchain or on local node

    to compile code

    forge compile ==> will generate abi also

    how to run and test code

    when we run forge test. foundry then let run anvil the local chain default after execution anvil stop the chain.

    to run the code in the test we first create ABI using "forge build" which will compile our code and generate ABI file

    Then we can run the code in the test folder using "forge build"

    test folder import code from src folder

    start local Node

    if you want to deploy smartcontract in local network you need to start local node using "anvil" command.

    after running of node. deploy the smartcontract that is present in src/nameOfcontract from script folder by using command

    deploy contract directly from src folder using

    forge create SimpleStorage --rpc-url localhost:8545 --interactive it will ask for private key

    If we have script to deploye contract then use this below given command will not actual deploy the contract. it will just give the idea how much gas fee will be used to deploy this contract

  • forge script script/filename.sol:smartcontractname --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --private-key "jksfhwjfo2iu8r947yr9o3n5v3t9ng2"

  • if we want to deploy the contract then add --broadcast flag in the end

  • forge script script/filename.sol:ContractScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --private-key jdhsikfhowp;sjf;wifjpwofjhwfow --broadcast --private-key anyPrivateKey

    call deployed contract with function that dont cost gas fee

  • cast call contractaddress "function to call()(type of output)"

  • if we want to call that function that cost some gas fee. we will use command. cast send always use when some data is updated in smartcontract

  • cast send addressofcontract "functionwewanttocall()" --private-key

    this is used to call the function when contract are deployed onchain

    cast call 0x354e3a1ebffbb055e797ea33883738baf49e4f05 "funcitonName" --rpc-url rpc_url

    convert hex to decimal using cast

    cast --to-base 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001ca dec

    to override the chain id during forking mainnet use this. block number need to mention is required

  • anvil --fork-url mainnet --fork-chain-id 1337 --fork-block-number 17194050
  • r

    format the soldiity code

    run forge fmt in terminal

    foundry cheatcodes

    vm.prank(user) ==> used to set msg.sender all line below this will be execute by the address it self

    vm.expectRevert() ==> this cheatcode used for failed test condition. just write the code for failing condtion then that code succeeded without the error., balanceOf eth) ==> used to provide eth balance to the address.

    vm.startBroadcast() ==> this is used to deploy the contract on chain.

    hoax(addressOF ,eth_amount) ==> it works both of vm.prank and

    vm.txGasPrice(gasPrice); ==> it is used to set gasPrice. by default anvil set the gas price to zero.

    Tells the VM to start recording all the emitted events.


    to access the recorded events or logs


    here is the snippet how to access the recorded events

    /// event LogCompleted(
    /// uint256 indexed topic1,
    /// bytes data
    /// );
    emit LogCompleted(10, "operation completed");
    Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
    assertEq(entries.length, 1);
    assertEq(entries[0].topics[0], keccak256("LogCompleted(uint256,bytes)"));
    assertEq(entries[0].topics[1], bytes32(uint256(10)));
    assertEq(abi.decode(entries[0].data, (string)), "operation completed");

    ffi ==> Foreign Function interface

    if we set it true then it will allow us to execute other program from the contract itself. like we can execute linux commands and python programs


    this will run linux command inside the solidity contract.


    this cheatcode is used to read file from other directory. Reads the entire content of file to string.

    By default, filesystem access is disallowed and requires the fs_permission setting in

    foundry.toml . fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "path of file we want to read"}]

    Fuzz testing

    in this testing when we try to randomaly thorugh data to a perticular function to break its functionality.

    fuzz testing divinded in to two types:

    1. stateless testing 
    2. stateful testing

    first lets understand Invariants ==> Invariants are those property of system that must hold at any condition.

    stateLess Fuzzing ==> where the state of previous run is discarded for every new run.means give random input to one function

    stateFull Fuzzing ==> where the state of previous run is not for every new run.means give random data and random function calls to many function. this is called Inveraint testing also.

    forge inspect "ContractName" methods

    it will list out all methods name with their function selector mentioned in contract itself

    forge inspect DscEngine methods snapeshort


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