This is my personal IoT solution to automate a garden. BeThere consists of:
- Local Station (Arduino/NodeMCU and necessary circuits): Responsible to collect data from the garden using sensors and send it to the cloud application.
- Web app: Interface to visualize data from the cloud and control the local station hardware remotely. Actually I'm using the free ThingSpeak service (www.thingspeak.com)
Folder Structure:
All steps inside progress folder you can see the tutorial to reproduce in the project wordpress page: https://bethereinmygarden.wordpress.com/
Oficial site: https://bethereapp.com.br/
Always the final version with everything integrated will be at Local Station folder and bethere-app folder.
The first version of this project was presented as final course work at Federal University of Sao Carlos in 2019. You can find the complete work and its presentation on Docs folder.