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Hourly weather card for Home Assistant. Visualize upcoming weather conditions as a colored horizontal bar.


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Hourly Weather Card by @decompil3d

An hourly weather card for Home Assistant. Visualize upcoming weather conditions as a colored horizontal bar.

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Lovelace Hourly Weather

Screenshot of Hourly Weather card


Easiest method:

✨ Install via HACS

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

Alternative method:

  1. Download hourly-weather.js from the Releases page
  2. Upload to /www/hourly-weather/hourly-weather.js (via Samba, File Editor, SSH, etc.)
  3. Visit the Resources page in your Home Assistant install and add /hourly-weather/hourly-weather.js as a JavaScript Module. Open your Home Assistant instance and show your dashboard resources.
  4. Refresh your browser


This card will show in the "Add card" modal. It has a GUI editor for configuring settings.

If you prefer YAML, here is a sample config:

type: custom:hourly-weather
entity: weather.my_weather_entity
num_segments: 18 # optional, defaults to 12
name: Next 18 hours # optional, defaults to "Hourly Weather"

Choosing the right entity

This card is focused on displaying hourly weather data. It will work with coarser- or finer-grained data, though. I've tested with the OpenWeatherMap integration using the onecall_hourly mode and that works very well.

As of Home Assistant 2023.9.0, most weather integrations provide data in multiple time increments. If your weather entity provides hourly data, the card will use that by default. Otherwise, the card will attempt to use the finest-grained increments available, unless you have configured otherwise.

ℹ️ NOTE: If your selected weather entity provides forecasts in increments of greater than one hour at a time, each segment of the bar will be for one segment, not one hour.

Prior to Home Assistant version 2023.9.0, if you already use OpenWeatherMap for daily data, you can add a second integration of the same component for hourly -- just adjust the latitude or longitude a tiny bit (i.e. change the last decimal by 1). Otherwise, the integration may complain of a duplicate unique ID.


Name Type Requirement Description Default
type string Required custom:hourly-weather
entity string Required Home Assistant weather entity ID.
forecast_type string Optional The type of forecast data to use. One of hourly, daily, or twice-daily. If not specified, the card will attempt to use the finest-grained data available.
name string Optional Card name (set to null to hide) Hourly Weather
icons bool Optional Whether to show icons instead of text labels false
icon_map Icon map Optional Custom icons to use for the weather conditions. Uses mdi icons by default.
num_segments number Optional Number of forecast segments to show (integer >= 1) 12
num_hours number Optional Deprecated: Use num_segments instead 12
offset number Optional Number of forecast segments to offset from start 0
label_spacing number Optional Space between time/temperature labels (integer >= 1) 2
colors object Optional Set colors for all or some conditions
hide_hours bool Optional Whether to hide hour labels under the bar false
hide_minutes bool Optional Whether to show hours without minutes under the bar (display only "17" instead of "17:00") false
hide_temperatures bool Optional Whether to hide temperatures under the bar false
round_temperatures bool Optional Whether to round temperatures to the nearest whole number false
hide_bar bool Optional Whether to hide the bar itself false
icon_fill Icon Fill Optional Whether to repeat the icon inside the bar 'single
show_wind Wind Optional Whether to show wind speed and/or direction under the bar 'false'
show_precipitation_amounts bool Optional Whether to show precipitation (rain) amount under the bar false
show_precipitation_probability bool Optional Whether to show precipitation (rain) probability under the bar false
show_date string Optional Whether to show date under the bar 'false'
tap_action object Optional Action to take on tap action: more-info
hold_action object Optional Action to take on hold none
double_tap_action object Optional Action to take on double tap none
language string Optional Language to use for card (overrides HA & user settings)

Note that some of the more advanced options are not available in the card editor UI and must be configured via YAML.


The following options allow Home Assistant Jinja templates as values:

  • name
  • num_segments
  • offset
  • label_spacing

You may use any valid template expression that produces a string or number. For example, you can define offset based on the current time of day so that you see the next day's weather:

name: Tomorrow
num_segments: 24
offset: |
  {{ 24 - now().hour }}
label_spacing: 4

Or maybe show the rest of today's weather:

name: Today
num_segments: |
  {{ 24 - now().hour }}
label_spacing: |
  {% set segments = 24 - now().hour %}
  {{ 4 if segments > 12 else 2 }}

Action Options

Name Type Requirement Description Default
action string Required Action to perform (more-info, toggle, call-service, navigate url, none) more-info
navigation_path string Optional Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action defined as navigate none
url string Optional URL to open on click when action is url. The URL will open in a new tab none
service string Optional Service to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause) when action defined as call-service none
service_data object Optional Service data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom) when action defined as call-service none
haptic string Optional Haptic feedback success, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selection none
repeat number Optional How often to repeat the hold_action in milliseconds. none

Color Options

colors is specified as an object containing one or more of the keys listed below and values that are valid CSS colors or objects of foreground and/or background valid CSS colors. Invalid color values will be discarded and will trigger a warning.

Color value format

Colors may be specified as a valid CSS color string or as an object with one or more of the following fields, each containing a valid CSS color string:

  • foreground: The color of the condition label text or icon
  • background: The color of the bar background during that span

If color is specified as a plain string, it will be used for background. Foreground color defaults to the primary text color in your Home Assistant theme.

Some conditions will default to whatever the value is of some other condition. For example, fog will default to whatever cloudy is.

Key Default
clear-night #000
cloudy #777
fog same as cloudy
hail #2b5174
lightning same as rainy
lightning-rainy same as rainy
partlycloudy #b3dbff
pouring same as rainy
rainy #44739d
snowy #fff
snowy-rainy same as partlycloudy
sunny #90cbff
windy same as sunny
windy-variant same as sunny
exceptional #ff9d00

Sample colors configuration

  sunny: '#bbccee' # note that hex colors must be quoted
  snowy-rainy: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) # rgba works (and hsla too)
  exceptional: red # as do valid CSS color names
    background: lightgray
    foreground: '#000'

Icon map Options

icon_map can be used to customize the icon used for each weather condition. It is specified as an object containing one or more of the keys listed below and values that are valid icons installed in Home Assistant.

Key Default
clear-night mdi:weather-night
cloudy mdi:weather-cloudy
fog mdi:weather-fog
hail mdi:weather-hail
lightning mdi:weather-lightning
lightning-rainy mdi:weather-lightning-rainy
partlycloudy mdi:weather-partly-cloudy
pouring mdi:weather-pouring
rainy mdi:weather-rainy
snowy mdi:weather-snowy
snowy-rainy mdi:weather-snowy-rainy
sunny mdi:weather-sunny
windy mdi:weather-windy
windy-variant mdi:weather-windy-variant
exceptional mdi:alert-outline

Sample icon map configuration

  sunny: mdi:emotion-cool
  cloudy: phu:nextcloud # can use any icon set

Wind Options

show_wind can be one of the following values:

  • false Don't show wind speed/direction (default)
  • true Show both wind speed and direction
  • speed Only show wind speed
  • direction Only show wind direction
  • barb Show wind direction as a wind barb arrow
  • barb-and-direction Show wind direction as a wind barb arrow and also show textual direction
  • barb-and-speed Show wind direction as a wind barb arrow and also show speed
  • barb-speed-and-direction Show wind direction as a wind barb arrow and also show speed and textual direction

Note: If your weather entity uses cardinal directions (e.g. 'N', 'SW', etc.) rather than numeric degrees for wind_bearing, the barb option is not supported and will result in an error.

Date Options

show_date can be one of the following values:

  • false Don't show date (default)
  • boundary Show date at the boundary between days
  • all Always show date

Icon Fill Options

icon_fill can be one of the following values:

  • single Show one icon per forecast span (default)
  • full Show one icon per forecast segment
  • <n> (an integer). Show icons every n-th forecast segment (will show at least one icon per forecast span)

NOTE: If a forecast segment is not wide enough to fit an icon, the icon will not be shown. That means that on narrow screens or with many segments, you may not see all icons. If that happens, consider using a larger numeric value for icon_fill or use single to show one icon per forecast span.


Version 3 ➡️ 4

In version 4.x, the num_hours option was deprecated in favor of num_segments. This simplifies the card and makes it clear that it operates on whatever size forecast segment your entity provides. The num_hours option still works, but num_segments takes precedence, if set. num_hours will be removed in a later major version of the card.

Version 4 ➡️ 5

In version 5.x, the DOM structure of the weather bar and its labels was changed to allow for odd-numbered segment counts and label spacing. Labels now appear centered with the segment they are representing, and the first label shown on the bar represents the first segment of data where in prior versions labels would begin at the second segment. This change may cause some custom CSS to break. If you have custom CSS, you may need to adjust it to account for the new structure.