Smart Home:
- MQTT broker
- controllers with MQTT transport
- backend application (symfony), frontend - twig + jquery
- notification when the sensor data goes out of the aisle of the norm via communication channels (telegram / discord / column with the voice assistant Alice)
Folder /docs/
contains documentation on smart home and firmware for controllers
- Temperature sensors
- Humidity sensors
- Relay
- Motion sensors
- Analog smoke detector
- Dry contact sensor
- Leakage sensors
Terms of reference for the service for monitoring the availability of smart home controllers
Tag: so far only sensors from mqtt with movement detection transmission always, even the code is de-detected. The service itself understands what state it is in and how to respond to the sensor signal.
- nginx
- php-fpm
- postgresql
- redis
- redis-insight
- supervisor
- rabbitMQ
- CI/CD - Gitlab CI
See in /docker/php/php-fpm.ini
parameter date.timezone
An external cron will call the make cron
command once a minute, which will pull the cli:schedule:run
inside the same way, the internal dispatcher from the database will call periodic jobs. For example, you can make a
command, which goes to your calendar once an hour and if you have something written down soon, it will send a message
to telegram.
The command below can be called from an external cron, or added to add to the database as a task that runs every minute
and call make cron
php bin/console cli:cron
- command to activate periodic tasks - works through supervisor.
Working with mqtt - translated to RabbitMQ queue
Connection to mqtt happens through a separate go lang service, it creates messages in the rabbit task queue
php bin/console rabbitmq:consumer mqtt_receive_payloads
- listener by mqtt messages broker
[ ! ] do not forget in .env.local file in development environment and on your production server to have different CLIENT_ID - otherwise there will be an error connecting to the mqtt broker.
php bin/console messenger:consume async
- async send emails, telegram, discord message by RabbitMQ
Create project by:
- Yii2 (simple / advanced) [deprecated project]
- Laravel (7/8/9) [deprecated project]
- Symfony (5.4) [update to Symfony 6]
- Symfony (6 - current LTS version)
Symfony Docs:
Codeception Docs:
Example pages at AdminLTE3: http://localhost:84/adminlte3/pages/widgets.html
Tests by final classes:
Use lib in tests by final classes:
Google 2fa:
QR code gen: