A common abstraction over S3 buckets, the file system, FTP and in-memory maps.
Supports a useful subset of the full S3 functionality
(let [root (relative bucket (uuid-str))]
(let [parent (relative root "1")
intermediate (relative parent "1.1")
empty-intermediate (relative parent "1.2")
deleted-child (relative empty-intermediate "1.2.1")
first-child (relative intermediate "1.1.1")
first-data (uuid-str)
second-child (relative intermediate "1.1.2")
second-data (uuid-str)]
(fact "put! does not throw exceptions"
(put! first-child first-data) => first-child
(put! second-child second-data) => second-child)
(fact "reading data works"
(slurp (get-stream first-child))
=> first-data)
(fact "directory throws IOException if we ask for a stream"
(get-stream intermediate)
=> (throws IOException))
(fact "nonexistent key throws IOException if we ask for a stream"
(get-stream (relative first-child (uuid-str)))
=> (throws IOException))
(fact "has-data? identifies when keys exist"
(has-data? first-child) => truthy)
(fact "has-data? identifies when keys do not exist"
(has-data? (relative parent (uuid-str))) => falsey)
(fact "has-data? returns false for directory keys"
(has-data? parent) => falsey)
(fact "descendant-keys works"
(descendant-keys parent)
=> (contains ["1.1/1.1.1" "1.1/1.1.2"] :in-any-order))
(fact "descendant-keys returns nothing for data nodes"
(descendant-keys first-child)
=> empty?)
(fact "child-keys works"
(child-keys intermediate)
=> (contains ["1.1.1" "1.1.2"] :in-any-order))
(fact "child-keys returns nothing for data nodes"
(child-keys first-child)
=> empty?)
(fact "child-keys includes 'directories' and does not recurse"
(child-keys parent)
=> (contains ["1.1"]))
(put! deleted-child (uuid-str))
(fact "delete! works"
(delete! deleted-child) => nil
(has-data? deleted-child) => falsey
(get-stream deleted-child) => (throws IOException))
(fact "delete! is idempotent"
(delete! deleted-child) => falsey)
(fact "behaviour of delete! on empty directories is undefined, but doesn't throw"
(delete! empty-intermediate)))
(recursive-delete! root))))