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Releases: decidim/decidim


24 Jul 14:09
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  • decidim-surveys: Order survey answer options by date and time. #3869
  • decidim-core: Fix newsletterable not being able to use when eager-loding the dependencies #3830


11 Jul 10:48
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Upgrade notes: avatars:

As per #3716, you'll need to
re-create the existing avatars versions. Connect to your server and run this on
your terminal:

bin/rails c

And then copy and paste this piece of code:

Decidim::User.find_each do |user|
  user.avatar.recreate_versions! if user.avatar?


  • decidim-core: GDPR: Add Right of data portability. #3489
  • decidim-core: GDPR: Opt-in for all the users with newsletters #3492
  • decidim-initiatives: Notify the followers when an initiative's signatures end date has been extended #3621
  • decidim-core: Add a new avatar size so that it is displayed properly on the profile page #3716


  • decidim-verifications: Added a current component reference to the action authorizer. Custom ActionAuthorizer classes should receive it in a third argument of the initializer method, as DefaultActionAuthorizer does. #3708
  • decidim-core: Introduce coauthorable concern and coauthorship model. #3310
  • decidim-core: New user profile design #3415
  • decidim-core: Force uniqueness in user_group test factory. #3290
  • decidim-admin: Admins no longer need to introduce raw json to define options for an authorization workflow. #3300
  • decidim-proposals: Extract partials in Proposals into helper methors so that they can be reused in collaborative draft. #3238
  • decidim-admin: Moved the following reusable javascript components from decidim-surveys component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-surveys: Moved the following reusable javascript components to decidim-admin component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Render documents in first place (before view hooks). #2977
  • decidim-verifications: If you're using a custom authorization handler template, make sure it does not include the button. Decidim takes care of that for you so including it will from no now cause duplicated buttons in the form. #3211
  • decidim-accountability: Include children information in main column #3217
  • decidim-core: Open attachments in new tab #3245
  • decidim-core: Open space hashtags in new tab #3246
  • decidim-proposals: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-accountability: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-budgets: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-pages: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-debates: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-comments: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-surveys: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-meetings: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-sortitions: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-meetings: Update card layout #3338
  • decidim-proposals: Update card layout #3338
  • decidim-debates: Update card layout #3371
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Update card layout for processes #3382
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Update card layout for process groups #3395
  • decidim-assemblies: Update card layout for assemblies and assembly members #3405
  • decidim-sortitions: Update card layout #3405
  • decidim: Changes on how to register resources. Resources from a component now they need a specific reference to the component manifest, and all resources need a name. #3416
  • decidim-consultations: Improve overall navigation #3524
  • decidim-comments: Let comments have paragraphs to increase readability #3538
  • decidim-core: Sessions expire in one week by default. #3586
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Make process moderators receive notifications about flagged content #3605
  • decidim-meetings: Do not let users join a meeting from the Search page, as the button fails #3612
  • decidim-core: Scope nicknames in organizations, so they don't have to be unique in a multi-tenant setup #3671


  • decidim-core: Search results should be paginated so that server does not hang when search term is too wide. #3605
  • decidim-assemblies: Fix private assemblies showing more than once for private users. #3638
  • decidim-proposals: Do not index non published Proposals. #3618
  • decidim-proposals: Fix link to endorsements behaviour, now it does not link when there are no endorsements. #3531
  • decidim-meetings: Fix meetings M card cell so that it works outside the component #3612
  • decidim-proposals: Fix proposals M card cell so that it works outside the component #3612
  • decidim-core: Adds a missing migration to properly rename features to components #3657
  • decidim-blogs: Use custom sanitizer in views instead of the default one #3655
  • decidim-core: Use custom sanitizer in views instead of the default one #3655
  • decidim-initiatives: Use custom sanitizer in views instead of the default one #3655
  • decidim-sortitions: Use custom sanitizer in views instead of the default one #3655
  • decidim-assemblies: Let space users access the admin area from the public one #3666
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Let space users access the admin area from the public one #3666
  • decidim-core: Fix comments count failing in AuthorCell #3668
  • decidim-proposals: Fix proposal date to published_at in: card_m, details, admin and exporter #3649
  • decidim-assemblies: Let assembly admins access all content #3706
  • decidim-admin: Let user managers access the public space #3720
  • decidim-generators: Generated application not including bootsnap.
  • decidim-generators: Generated application not including optional gems.
  • decidim-core: Fix invitations form newsletter optin #3789


11 Jul 10:49
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  • decidim-assemblies: Let space admins access other spaces #3772
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Let space admins access other spaces #3772


16 Jul 09:39
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  • decidim-core: Add readonly attribute to date_fields so that the user is forced to use the datepicker. #3705
  • decidim-assemblies: Let space users access the admin area from the public one #3683
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Let space users access the admin area from the public one #3683
  • decidim-assemblies: Let assembly admins access all content #3706
  • decidim-admin: Let user managers access the public space #3723


20 Jun 06:03
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Upgrade notes (authorizations):

Authorizations workflows now use a settings manifest to define their options.
That means site admins will no longer need to introduce raw json to define
authorization options. If you were previously using an authorization workflow
with options, you'll need to update the workflow manifest to define them. As an
example, if you were filtering an authorization only to users in the 08001
postal code via an authorization option (by introducing { "postal_code" : "08001" } in the options field of a participatory space action permissions),
you'll need to define it in the workflow manifest as:

Decidim::Verifications.register_workflow(:my_handler) do |workflow|
  # ... stuff ...

  workflow.options do |options|
    options.attribute :postal_code, type: :string, required: false

If you have some custom modules from which you are registering a resource, you
will need to tweak how those resources are being registered as per #3416. You
must now set a resource name:

  # inside decidim-my-module/lib/decidim/my-module/component.rb
  component.register_resource(:my_resource) do |resource|
    resource.model_class_name = "Decidim::MyComponent::MyResource"

Upgrade notes (search):

In order for the currently existing resources to be indexed, you'll have to
manually trigger a reindex. Since only proposals and meetings are currently
indexed, you can do that executing:


Upgrade notes (TOS):

Due to a bug that got fixed on this release, some organizations might not
have a TOS page, which some migrations rely on. Please execute this code on
production before upgrading so the pages get created correctly and the migrations
don't fail.

Decidim::Organization.find_each { |organization| }


  • decidim-core: Added a global search engine for Proposals and Meetings. #3559
  • decidim-meetings: Add Agenda and Agenda Item entities to manage meeting agenda. #3305
  • decidim-docs: Add documentation for developers getting started. #3297
  • decidim-assemblies: Add members to assemblies. #3008
  • decidim-assemblies: An assembly member can be related to an existing user. #3302
  • decidim-assemblies: Show the assemblies that a user belongs in their profile. #3410
  • decidim-core: Added the user_profile_bottom view hook to the public profiel page. #3410
  • decidim-meetings: Add organizer to meeting and meeting types #3136
  • decidim-meetings: Add Minutes entity to manage Minutes. #3213
  • decidim-initiatives: Notify initiatives milestones #3341
  • decidim-admin: Links to participatory space index & show pages from the admin dashboard. #3325
  • decidim-admin: Add autocomplete field with customizable url to fetch results. #3301
  • decidim-admin: Add endpoint to query organization users in json format. #3381
  • decidim-core: Adds fingerprinting capabilities to resources. #3351
  • decidim-core: Add user profile card #3444
  • decidim-budgets: Add project card #3454
  • decidim-core: GDPR: Unbundled consent on user registration #3483
  • decidim-core: GDPR: Right to be Forgotten #3315
  • decidim-core: GDPR: Newsletter checkbox unchecked by default \3316
  • decidim-consultations: Add consultation card #3487
  • decidim-blogs: Add blog post card #3487
  • decidim-core: GDPR: Track TOS page version in Organization #3491
  • decidim-core: GDPR: User must review TOS when updated #3494
  • decidim-core: Requests are throttled to prevent DoS attacks #3588


  • decidim-core: New user profile design #3415
  • decidim-core: Force uniqueness in user_group test factory. #3290
  • decidim-admin: Admins no longer need to introduce raw json to define options for an authorization workflow. #3300
  • decidim-proposals: Extract partials in Proposals into helper methors so that they can be reused in collaborative draft. #3238
  • decidim-admin: Moved the following reusable javascript components from decidim-surveys component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-surveys: Moved the following reusable javascript components to decidim-admin component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Render documents in first place (before view hooks). #2977
  • decidim-verifications: If you're using a custom authorization handler template, make sure it does not include the button. Decidim takes care of that for you so including it will from no now cause duplicated buttons in the form. #3211
  • decidim-accountability: Include children information in main column #3217
  • decidim-core: Open attachments in new tab #3245
  • decidim-core: Open space hashtags in new tab #3246
  • decidim-proposals: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-accountability: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-budgets: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-pages: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-debates: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-comments: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-surveys: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-meetings: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-sortitions: Drop support for abilities in favor of the new Permissions system #3029
  • decidim-meetings: Update card layout #3338
  • decidim-proposals: Update card layout #3338
  • decidim-debates: Update card layout #3371
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Update card layout for processes #3382
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Update card layout for process groups #3395
  • decidim-assemblies: Update card layout for assemblies and assembly members #3405
  • decidim-sortitions: Update card layout #3405
  • decidim: Changes on how to register resources. Resources from a component now they need a specific reference to the component manifest, and all resources need a name. #3416
  • decidim-consultations: Improve overall navigation #3524
  • decidim-comments: Let comments have paragraphs to increase readability #3538
  • decidim-core: Sessions expire in one week by default. #3586


  • decidim-meetings: Enforce permissions when managing meeting minutes. #3560
  • **decidim-assem...
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16 Jul 09:39
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  • decidim-generators: Dummy applications not being correctly generated for external plugins. #3470
  • decidim-generators: Dummy applications not being correctly generated for final applications. #3527
  • decidim-core: Data picker form inputs having no bottom margin. #3463
  • decidim-core: Adds a missing migration to properly rename features to components #3656


30 May 14:52
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  • decidim-blog: Add params[:id] when editing/deleting a post from admin site #3360
  • decidim-admin: Fixes the validation uniqueness name of area, scoped with organization and area_type #3350


30 May 14:51
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Upgrade notes:

This version has breaking changes, Decidim::Feature has been renamed to Decidim::Component,
and also everything related to it (controllers, views, etc.). If you have customised some
controller or added a new module you need to rename feature to component.

With the addition of the new step "Complete" to the proposal creation wizard,
administrators should keep in mind updating the help texts for each step.


  • decidim-initiatives: Decidim Initiatives Gem has been integrated into the main repository. #3125
  • decidim-blogs: Decidim Blogs gem has been integrated into the main repository. #3221
  • decidim-meetings Add services offered in the meeting. #3150
  • decidim-assemblies: Adding news fields into assembly in terms of database #2942
  • decidim-proposals: Add configuration for set the number of proposals to be highlighted #3175
  • decidim-meetings: Add new fields to meetings registrations #3123
  • decidim-admin: Decidim as OAuth provider #3057
  • decidim-core: Decidim as OAuth provider #3057
  • decidim-consultations: Decidim Consultations Gem has been integrated into the main repository. #3106
  • decidim-debates: Fix debates times. #3071
  • decidim-sortitions: Decidim Sortitions Gem has been integrated into the main repository. #3077
  • decidim-meetings: Allows admins to duplicate or copy face-to-face meetings. #3051
  • decidim: Added private_space and participatory space private users. #2618
  • decidim-core: Add ParticipatorySpaceResourceable between Assemblies and ParticipatoryProcesses #2851
  • decidim-assemblies: Allow an assembly to have children #2938
  • decidim: Rename features to components #2913
  • decidim-admin: Log actions on areas #2944
  • decidim-budgets: Log actions on projects #2949
  • decidim-meetings: Log meeting registration exports #2922
  • decidim-accountability: Log results deletion #2923
  • decidim-surveys: Allow reordering questions via "Up" & "Down" buttons #3005
  • decidim-comments: Add more notification types when a comment is created #3004
  • decidim-debates: Show debates stats in homepage and space pages #3016
  • decidim-core: #3022
    • Introduce ViewModel and Cells to make it possible to add cards to resources.
    • Add CardHelper with card_for that returns a card given an instance of a the Component attribute card from the ComponentManifest.
    • Add AuthorBoxCell and ProfileCell; Remove shared/author_reference partials.
  • decidim: Add documentation for ViewModel and CardCells docs/advanced/ #3022
  • decidim-dev: Add rspec-cells for testing Cells #3022
  • decidim-meetings: #3022
    • Introduce ViewModel and Cells. Add MeetingCell with two variations: MeetingMCell and MeetingListItemCell.
    • Add the card attribute to the component's manifest shared/author_reference partials.
  • decidim-surveys: Add rich text description to questions #3066.
  • decidim-proposals: Add discard draft button in wizard #3064
  • decidim-surveys: Allow multiple choice questions to specify a maximum number of options to be checked #3091
  • decidim-surveys: Client side survey errors are now displayed #3133
  • decidim-surveys: Allow multiple choice questions to have "free text options" where the user can customize the selected answer #3134
  • decidim-surveys: New question type to sort different options #3148
  • decidim-budgets: Setting to control the number of projects per page to be listed #3239
  • decidim-admin: Regular users can now be impersonated #3226
  • decidim-admin: All available authorization handlers can always be chosen for impersonation even after the first impersonation #3226
  • decidim-generators: New gem where all of decidim generators live, both to generate final application and decidim components (plugins).
  • decidim-meetings: Add WYSIWYG editor for meeting closing notes #3265
  • decidim-meetings: Add formatting of the list of organizations attending to a meeting #3265
  • decidim-core: Order components by both weight and manifest_name so the order is kept #3264
  • decidim-meetings: Add a meetings API. #3255
  • decidim-proposals: Add "complete" step to the proposal creation wizard #3274


  • decidim-proposals: Extract partials in Proposals into helper methors so that they can be reused in collaborative draft. (#3238)
  • decidim-admin: Moved the following reusable javascript components from decidim-surveys component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-surveys: Moved the following reusable javascript components to decidim-admin component #3194
    • Nested resources (auto_buttons_by_position.component.js.es6, auto_label_by_position.component.js.es6, dynamic_fields.component.js.es6)
    • Dependent inputs (field_dependent_inputs.component.js.es6)
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Render documents in first place (before view hooks). #2977
  • decidim-verifications: If you're using a custom authorization handler template, make sure it does not include the button. Decidim takes care of that for you so including it will from no now cause duplicated buttons in the form. #3211
  • decidim-accountability: Include children information in main column #3217
  • decidim-core: Open attachments in new tab #3245
  • decidim-core: Open space hashtags in new tab #3246


  • decidim-proposals: Ignore already imported proposals when importing them #3257
  • decidim-proposals: Fixes clicking on "see all" should remove the ellipsis sign. #3238
  • decidim-core: Add missing locales in Freanch fot the datepicker #3260
  • decidim-proposals: Fixes clicking on "see all" should remove the ellipsis sign. #2894](#3238)
  • decidim-proposals: Restore creation date in proposal detail page. #3249
  • decidim-proposals: Fix threshold_per_proposal method positive? for nil:NilClass when threshold is null or not defined. #3185
  • decidim-proposals: Make sure threshold per proposal has the right value in existing components #3235
  • decidim-proposals: Fix when I create a proposal I see the draft proposal from someone else! #3170
  • decidim-proposals: Fix view hooks returning proposals that should not be shown #3175
  • decidim-debates: Fix debates times. #3071
  • decidim-proposals: Fix Feedback needed after Endorsing when user has no user_groups #2968
  • decidim-proposals: Fix threshold absolute view and rename the field maximum_votes_per_proposal to threshold_per_proposal. #2994
  • decidim-proposals: Fix proposal endorsed event #2970
  • decidim-accountability: Fix parent results progress [#...
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18 Apr 07:19
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  • decidim-proposals: Fix threshold_per_proposal method positive? for nil:NilClass when threshold is null or not defined. #3219
  • decidim-proposals: Fix when I create a proposal I see the draft proposal from someone else! #3170
  • decidim-proposals: Fix view hooks returning proposals that should not be shown #3199


18 Apr 07:19
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Note: As per #2983, if you've been using 0.10.pre version of Decidim for a while you'll need to fix some values in the database. In order to fix them, run this script in your Rails console:

Decidim::Notification.where(event_class: "Decidim::Proposals::ProposalEndorsedEvent").find_each{|ev| ev.extra = { endorser_id: ev.extra.dig("endorser", "id") };! }


  • decidim-accountability: Proposal selection from accountability with autoComplete #2348
  • decidim-assemblies: Make admins auto follow assemblies #2855
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Make admins auto follow participatory processes #2855
  • decidim-accountability: Proposal followers are notified when a proposal is included in a result #2836
  • decidim-core: Space followers are notified when a step changes its dates #2833
  • decidim-proposals: Space followers are notified when the proposal can be created, endorsed or voted #2794
  • decidim-debates: Space followers are notified when the debate creation is enabled or disabled #2794
  • decidim-surveys: Space followers are notified when a survey is opened or closed #2794
  • decidim-core: Broadcast feature settings changes #2794
  • decidim-assemblies: Add a select field for assign an area to assemblies #2750
  • decidim-core: Add Area and AreaType to Core #2750
  • decidim-proposals: Proposals can accumulate more votes than the maximum #2693
  • decidim-proposals: Added a wizard for the creation of proposals in the public site #2697.
  • decidim-assemblies: Assemblies now have a reference #2557
  • decidim-core: Let participatory spaces have reference #2557
  • decidim-meetings: Add simple formatting to debates fields to improve readability #2670
  • decidim-meetings: Notify participatory space followers when a meeting is created. #2646
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Processes now have a reference #2557
  • decidim-proposals: Endorsement to proposals: apply new design. #2728
  • decidim-proposals: Notify participatory space followers when a proposal is created. #2646
  • decidim-proposals: Copy proposals to another component #2619.
  • decidim-proposals: Users and user_groups can now endorse proposals. #2287
  • decidim-proposals: Add configurable proposal body length. #2639
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Ensure only active processes are shown in the highlighted processes section in the homepage#2682
  • decidim-core: Add collections to group attachments #2394.
  • decidim-admin: Adds a log of all admin actions, only visible by organization admins #2604
  • decidim-core: Add some examples on documentation to AuthorizationHandler #2758.
  • decidim-accountability: Show random results in process and process group home #2824
  • decidim-meetings: Show past/upcoming meetings in process and process group home #2713
  • decidim-proposals: Show random proposals in process and process group home #2817
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Render decidim:participatory_space_highlighted_elements and participatory_processes:process_group_highlighted_elements view hooks in process and process group home respectively #2713
  • decidim-core: Make static pages traceable #2754
  • decidim-admin: Log all actions on static pages #2754
  • decidim-admin: Log all actions on newsletters #2763
  • decidim-admin: Log user groups verifications and rejections #2778
  • decidim-admin: Log admin users invites and deletions #2776
  • decidim-admin: Log all changes on organization settings #2771
  • decidim-admin: Log user (un)officializations #2782
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Log process creation and (un)publications #2786
  • decidim-admin: Log feature creation and deletion #2792
  • decidim-core: Document async jobs configuration for end applications #2640
  • decidim-admin: Multiple proposals can be recategorized from the proposal index #2585
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Log process users invites (Creation, update and deletion) #2793
  • decidim-admin: Log actions on moderations #2803
  • decidim-core: Enable a "permission_update" hook to be run upon feature permissions update #2809
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Adds a basic API including steps and components. #2787
  • decidim-core: Adds a statistics API to Organization and ParticipatorySpace. #2843
  • decidim-proposals: Log proposal answers #2848
  • decidim-accountability: Adds flag to control if the visualization of progress is visible #2847
  • decidim-proposals: Adds a basic API that lists proposals. #2788
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Log process updates#2860
  • decidim-admin: Log actions on scopes #2854
  • decidim-core: scopes_picker_field can now receive options such as label: false #2867
  • decidim-core: theDataPicker.activate("#my_data_picker_element") can now be used to bind dinamically created inputs to a data picker #2867
  • decidim-assemblies: Log assembly creation, update and (un)publication #2858
  • decidim-assemblies: Log assembly user role creation, update and deletion #2874
  • decidim-participatory_processes: Log actions on process steps #2876
  • decidim-admin: Log feature (un)publication#2884
  • decidim-pages: Log page updates #2886
  • decidim-debates: Log debates creation and updates #2903
  • decidim-core: Add missing scopes_picker_tag and scopes_picker_field_tag form helpers #2880
  • decidim-proposals: Log official proposals creation #2905
  • decidim-proposals: Log proposal private notes #2907
  • decidim-meetings: Log actions on meetings #2911
  • decidim-debates: Adds announcements to debates #2806


  • decidim-core: Send a deep copy of view context to view hooks #2817
  • decidim-core: General improvements on documentation #2656.
  • decidim-core: FeatureReferenceHelper#feature_reference has been moved to ResourceReferenceHelper#resource_reference to clarify its use. #2557
  • decidim-core: Decidim.resource_reference_generator has been moved to Decidim.reference_generator to clarify its use. #2557
  • decidim-system: Default pages content are now wrapped in <p> HTML tags #2754
  • decidim-core: The module to be included by components in order to add scopes to the component is now called ScopableFeature (instead of HasScope) [#2895](https:/...
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