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test: Validate Message
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simonas-notcat committed Mar 6, 2020
1 parent d00b9c6 commit 41a60fc
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 65 deletions.
141 changes: 76 additions & 65 deletions examples/send-vc/test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { Identity, Key, OMessage, MessageMetaData, Credential, Presentation, Claim } from 'daf-core'
import { Identity, Key, Message, MessageMetaData, Credential, Presentation, Claim } from 'daf-core'
import { core } from './setup'
import { createConnection, Like } from 'typeorm'

Expand All @@ -18,77 +18,77 @@ const main = async () => {

synchronize: true,
logging: true,
entities: [Key, Identity, OMessage, MessageMetaData, Credential, Presentation, Claim],
entities: [Key, Identity, Message, MessageMetaData, Credential, Presentation, Claim],

let identity1: Identity
let identity2: Identity
const identities = await core.identityManager.getIdentities()
if (identities.length > 1) {
identity1 = (identities[0] as any) as Identity
identity2 = (identities[1] as any) as Identity
} else {
const identityProviders = await core.identityManager.getIdentityProviderTypes()
identity1 = ((await core.identityManager.createIdentity(identityProviders[0].type)) as any) as Identity
identity2 = ((await core.identityManager.createIdentity(identityProviders[0].type)) as any) as Identity
// let identity1: Identity
// let identity2: Identity
// const identities = await core.identityManager.getIdentities()
// if (identities.length > 1) {
// identity1 = (identities[0] as any) as Identity
// identity2 = (identities[1] as any) as Identity
// } else {
// const identityProviders = await core.identityManager.getIdentityProviderTypes()
// identity1 = ((await core.identityManager.createIdentity(identityProviders[0].type)) as any) as Identity
// identity2 = ((await core.identityManager.createIdentity(identityProviders[0].type)) as any) as Identity
// }

// console.log(identity1)
// console.log(identity2)

const identity3 = new Identity()
identity3.did = ''

const vc = new Credential()
vc.issuer = identity1
vc.subject = identity2
vc.issuedAt = new Date()
vc.context = ['', '']
vc.type = ['VerifiableCredential', 'PublicProfile']
name: 'Jonas',
// profilePicture: '',
// address: {
// street: 'some',
// house: 1
// }
// const identity3 = new Identity()
// identity3.did = ''

// const vc = new Credential()
// vc.issuer = identity1
// vc.subject = identity2
// vc.issuedAt = new Date()
// vc.context = ['', '']
// vc.type = ['VerifiableCredential', 'PublicProfile']
// vc.setRaw('JWTvc2')
// vc.setCredentialSubject({
// name: 'Jonas',
// // profilePicture: '',
// // address: {
// // street: 'some',
// // house: 1
// // }
// })

const vp = new Presentation()
vp.issuer = identity1
vp.audience = identity3
vp.issuedAt = new Date()
vp.context = ['']
vp.type = ['VerifiablePresentation', 'KYC']
vp.credentials = [vc]

const m = new OMessage() = 'aaaaaaabbb'
m.from = identity1 = [identity2]
m.type = 'w3c.vp'
m.raw = 'JWTvp3333'
m.presentations = [vp]
m.credentials = [vc]

const meta1 = new MessageMetaData()
meta1.type = 'TrustGraph'
meta1.value = 'https://custom.url/'

const meta2 = new MessageMetaData()
meta2.type = 'JWT'
meta2.value = 'RSA123'

m.metaData = [meta1, meta2]

try {
} catch (e) {
// const vp = new Presentation()
// vp.issuer = identity1
// vp.audience = identity3
// vp.issuedAt = new Date()
// vp.context = ['']
// vp.type = ['VerifiablePresentation', 'KYC']
// vp.credentials = [vc]
// vp.setRaw('JWTvp2')

// const m = new OMessage()
// = 'aaaaaaabbb'
// m.from = identity1
// = [identity2]
// m.type = 'w3c.vp'
// m.raw = 'JWTvp3333'
// m.presentations = [vp]
// m.credentials = [vc]

// const meta1 = new MessageMetaData()
// meta1.type = 'TrustGraph'
// meta1.value = 'https://custom.url/'

// const meta2 = new MessageMetaData()
// meta2.type = 'JWT'
// meta2.value = 'RSA123'

// m.metaData = [meta1, meta2]

// try {
// await
// console.log(m)
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e.message)
// }

// const res = await Claim.find({
// relations: ['issuer', 'subject', 'credential'],
Expand All @@ -105,6 +105,17 @@ const main = async () => {
// })

// console.dir(res, { depth: 10 })

// const msg = new Message({raw: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NkstUiJ9.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.7gIGq437moBKMwF3PUrycjCP4Op6dL6IJV6GygSq1KGV7QU0II16YzETsr412AlHl_kaYgUJjRav7unJdyJL0wA'})
const msg = new Message({
const validated = await core.validateMessage(msg)
// console.dir({validated}, {depth: 10})
console.log('after ----------')
console.dir({ validated }, { depth: 10 })


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