Tool to upgrade the old MateAnimator (as of 6-29-18) format to the new one (newSerialization)
To minimize issues, use branch "newSerialization". Once you complete the conversions, you can then switch to the "master" branch.
- Remove the previous MateAnimator
- Grab MateAnimator ("master" or "newSerialization")
- Grab MateAnimatorUpgrade
- There should be a new menu item: M8/Animator Convert Old
- Delete MateAnimatorUpgrade once you are satisfied with the entire process
- This tool won't be able to convert Animator (AnimatorData) fields in the scripts, so you will have to rehook these up.
- TriggerTracks are converted to EventTracks. The conversion tool will generate a TriggerSignal asset as a substitute for hooking up.
- EventTracks will only convert the first key's Component reference, so other keys in the EventTrack that reference a different Component will be removed.