This repository is designed to serve as a branch of the master SPINS repository (, or clone from
This branch provides some development of SPINS. Primary additions are:
Functions for the computation of secondary fields such as vorticity, viscous dissipation, top and bottom surface stresses, etc. These are in Science.cpp
Updated case files to:
- Incorporate the functions from item 1. These new case files have been written based off of my mode-2 simulations. Though initialized in this configuration, they can easily be adjusted for any other purpose.
- be more readable. Repeated code blocks have been moved into BaseCase.cpp.
As features are finalized they will be merged into the master repository, but in-progress work is kept here. Any questions can be passed along to me at [email protected].
To add this repository as a branch to your own SPINS installation, the following series of commands should work.
git remote add deepwell (“git remote -v” should now list deepwell as one of the remotes.)
git fetch deepwell
git checkout -b deepwell deepwell/Deepwell