Consistency hashing library for Go applications
go get -u
Create a new hash ring with 3 replicas (virtual nodes) and the default hash function The NodeType must implement the Stringer interface
type NodeType string
func (nt NodeType) String() string {
return string(nt)
hashRing := NewHashRing[NodeType](3, nil)
Add 3 nodes to it
Get the node to store your data, it returns a pointer to your NodeType
key := "foobar"
node := hashRing.GetNode(key)
Remove a node
err := hashRing.RemoveNode("node2")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("node not found")
Use a custom hash function
customHashFunction := func(key string) uint32 {
hash := uint32(0)
for _, char := range key {
hash += uint32(char)
return hash
hashRing := NewHashRing[NodeType](1, customHashFunction)