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[SPARK-22979][PYTHON][SQL] Avoid per-record type dispatch in Python d…
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…ata conversion (EvaluatePython.fromJava)

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Seems we can avoid type dispatch for each value when Java objection (from Pyrolite) -> Spark's internal data format because we know the schema ahead.

I manually performed the benchmark as below:

  test("EvaluatePython.fromJava / EvaluatePython.makeFromJava") {
    val numRows = 1000 * 1000
    val numFields = 30

    val random = new Random(System.nanoTime())
    val types = Array(
      BooleanType, ByteType, FloatType, DoubleType, IntegerType, LongType, ShortType,
      DecimalType.ShortDecimal, DecimalType.IntDecimal, DecimalType.ByteDecimal,
      DecimalType.FloatDecimal, DecimalType.LongDecimal, new DecimalType(5, 2),
      new DecimalType(12, 2), new DecimalType(30, 10), CalendarIntervalType)
    val schema = RandomDataGenerator.randomSchema(random, numFields, types)
    val rows = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Array[Any]]
    var i = 0
    while (i < numRows) {
      val row = RandomDataGenerator.randomRow(random, schema)
      rows += row.toSeq.toArray
      i += 1

    val benchmark = new Benchmark("EvaluatePython.fromJava / EvaluatePython.makeFromJava", numRows)
    benchmark.addCase("Before - EvaluatePython.fromJava", 3) { _ =>
      var i = 0
      while (i < numRows) {
        EvaluatePython.fromJava(rows(i), schema)
        i += 1

    benchmark.addCase("After - EvaluatePython.makeFromJava", 3) { _ =>
      val fromJava = EvaluatePython.makeFromJava(schema)
      var i = 0
      while (i < numRows) {
        i += 1

EvaluatePython.fromJava / EvaluatePython.makeFromJava: Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)   Per Row(ns)   Relative
Before - EvaluatePython.fromJava              1265 / 1346          0.8        1264.8       1.0X
After - EvaluatePython.makeFromJava            571 /  649          1.8         570.8       2.2X

If the structure is nested, I think the advantage should be larger than this.

## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests should cover this. Also, I manually checked if the values from before / after are actually same via `assert` when performing the benchmarks.

Author: hyukjinkwon <[email protected]>

Closes apache#20172 from HyukjinKwon/type-dispatch-python-eval.
  • Loading branch information
HyukjinKwon authored and cloud-fan committed Jan 8, 2018
1 parent 3e40eb3 commit 8fdeb4b
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 60 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -742,7 +742,10 @@ class SparkSession private(
private[sql] def applySchemaToPythonRDD(
rdd: RDD[Array[Any]],
schema: StructType): DataFrame = {
val rowRdd = => python.EvaluatePython.fromJava(r, schema).asInstanceOf[InternalRow])
val rowRdd = rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
val fromJava = python.EvaluatePython.makeFromJava(schema) => fromJava(r).asInstanceOf[InternalRow])
internalCreateDataFrame(rowRdd, schema)

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,16 +79,19 @@ case class BatchEvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], chi
} else {
StructType( => StructField("", u.dataType, u.nullable)))

val fromJava = EvaluatePython.makeFromJava(resultType)

outputIterator.flatMap { pickedResult =>
val unpickledBatch = unpickle.loads(pickedResult)
}.map { result =>
if (udfs.length == 1) {
// fast path for single UDF
mutableRow(0) = EvaluatePython.fromJava(result, resultType)
mutableRow(0) = fromJava(result)
} else {
EvaluatePython.fromJava(result, resultType).asInstanceOf[InternalRow]
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,82 +83,134 @@ object EvaluatePython {

* Converts `obj` to the type specified by the data type, or returns null if the type of obj is
* unexpected. Because Python doesn't enforce the type.
* Make a converter that converts `obj` to the type specified by the data type, or returns
* null if the type of obj is unexpected. Because Python doesn't enforce the type.
def fromJava(obj: Any, dataType: DataType): Any = (obj, dataType) match {
case (null, _) => null

case (c: Boolean, BooleanType) => c
def makeFromJava(dataType: DataType): Any => Any = dataType match {
case BooleanType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case b: Boolean => b

case (c: Byte, ByteType) => c
case (c: Short, ByteType) => c.toByte
case (c: Int, ByteType) => c.toByte
case (c: Long, ByteType) => c.toByte
case ByteType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Byte => c
case c: Short => c.toByte
case c: Int => c.toByte
case c: Long => c.toByte

case (c: Byte, ShortType) => c.toShort
case (c: Short, ShortType) => c
case (c: Int, ShortType) => c.toShort
case (c: Long, ShortType) => c.toShort
case ShortType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Byte => c.toShort
case c: Short => c
case c: Int => c.toShort
case c: Long => c.toShort

case (c: Byte, IntegerType) => c.toInt
case (c: Short, IntegerType) => c.toInt
case (c: Int, IntegerType) => c
case (c: Long, IntegerType) => c.toInt
case IntegerType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Byte => c.toInt
case c: Short => c.toInt
case c: Int => c
case c: Long => c.toInt

case (c: Byte, LongType) => c.toLong
case (c: Short, LongType) => c.toLong
case (c: Int, LongType) => c.toLong
case (c: Long, LongType) => c
case LongType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Byte => c.toLong
case c: Short => c.toLong
case c: Int => c.toLong
case c: Long => c

case (c: Float, FloatType) => c
case (c: Double, FloatType) => c.toFloat
case FloatType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Float => c
case c: Double => c.toFloat

case (c: Float, DoubleType) => c.toDouble
case (c: Double, DoubleType) => c
case DoubleType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Float => c.toDouble
case c: Double => c

case (c: java.math.BigDecimal, dt: DecimalType) => Decimal(c, dt.precision, dt.scale)
case dt: DecimalType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: java.math.BigDecimal => Decimal(c, dt.precision, dt.scale)

case (c: Int, DateType) => c
case DateType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Int => c

case (c: Long, TimestampType) => c
// Py4J serializes values between MIN_INT and MAX_INT as Ints, not Longs
case (c: Int, TimestampType) => c.toLong
case TimestampType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: Long => c
// Py4J serializes values between MIN_INT and MAX_INT as Ints, not Longs
case c: Int => c.toLong

case (c, StringType) => UTF8String.fromString(c.toString)
case StringType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case _ => UTF8String.fromString(obj.toString)

case (c: String, BinaryType) => c.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
case (c, BinaryType) if c.getClass.isArray && c.getClass.getComponentType.getName == "byte" => c
case BinaryType => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: String => c.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
case c if c.getClass.isArray && c.getClass.getComponentType.getName == "byte" => c

case (c: java.util.List[_], ArrayType(elementType, _)) =>
new GenericArrayData( { e => fromJava(e, elementType)}.toArray)
case ArrayType(elementType, _) =>
val elementFromJava = makeFromJava(elementType)

case (c, ArrayType(elementType, _)) if c.getClass.isArray =>
new GenericArrayData(c.asInstanceOf[Array[_]].map(e => fromJava(e, elementType)))
(obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c: java.util.List[_] =>
new GenericArrayData( { e => elementFromJava(e) }.toArray)
case c if c.getClass.isArray =>
new GenericArrayData(c.asInstanceOf[Array[_]].map(e => elementFromJava(e)))

case (javaMap: java.util.Map[_, _], MapType(keyType, valueType, _)) =>
(key: Any) => fromJava(key, keyType),
(value: Any) => fromJava(value, valueType))
case MapType(keyType, valueType, _) =>
val keyFromJava = makeFromJava(keyType)
val valueFromJava = makeFromJava(valueType)

(obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case javaMap: java.util.Map[_, _] =>
(key: Any) => keyFromJava(key),
(value: Any) => valueFromJava(value))

case (c, StructType(fields)) if c.getClass.isArray =>
val array = c.asInstanceOf[Array[_]]
if (array.length != fields.length) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema. " +
s"${fields.length} fields are required while ${array.length} values are provided."
case StructType(fields) =>
val fieldsFromJava = => makeFromJava(f.dataType)).toArray

(obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(obj) {
case c if c.getClass.isArray =>
val array = c.asInstanceOf[Array[_]]
if (array.length != fields.length) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Input row doesn't have expected number of values required by the schema. " +
s"${fields.length} fields are required while ${array.length} values are provided."

val row = new GenericInternalRow(fields.length)
var i = 0
while (i < fields.length) {
row(i) = fieldsFromJava(i)(array(i))
i += 1
new GenericInternalRow( {
case (e, f) => fromJava(e, f.dataType)

case (_, udt: UserDefinedType[_]) => fromJava(obj, udt.sqlType)
case udt: UserDefinedType[_] => makeFromJava(udt.sqlType)

case other => (obj: Any) => nullSafeConvert(other)(PartialFunction.empty)

// all other unexpected type should be null, or we will have runtime exception
// TODO(davies): we could improve this by try to cast the object to expected type
case (c, _) => null
private def nullSafeConvert(input: Any)(f: PartialFunction[Any, Any]): Any = {
if (input == null) {
} else {
f.applyOrElse(input, {
// all other unexpected type should be null, or we will have runtime exception
// TODO(davies): we could improve this by try to cast the object to expected type
_: Any => null

private val module = "pyspark.sql.types"
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