Squakbot is a tool I made to increase my twitter following, It is not intended for comercial use, nor is there any warranty if it goes wrong. Use this at your own risk
To install squakbot you need to have python 3.x installed. For windows visit: https://www.python.org/ Install the 3.x version. Ensure that you tick the "add python to path box" during instalation. Otherwise you will have to add python to your path manually. If you are running windows you will have to restart your pc and this point.
When your pc restarts check to see if python has be installed by running "python" in a cmd prompt.
Use cd to change your directory to where you installed squakbot.
Create a virtual environment by running virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment Run \env\Scripts\activate.bat on windows
Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
If virtualenv is not installed run pip install virtualenv
To run the webserver run: python manage.py runserver
To acccess the apt manually run python manage.py shell
To authenticate yourself run from bot_tasks.utils import TwitterAPI twitter_api = TwitterAPI("twitter_handle", "consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "access_token", access_private")
Once you have authenticated you can run
pass in a target users handle minus the @ symbol and a limit (the max number of users you want to follow)
twitter_api.follow_all(target, limit)
pass in a keword and a limit to follow users posting about a certain keyword (the max number of users you want to follow)
twitter_api.follow_keyword(keyword, limit))