Website | Docs (ja) | Manual (ja)
- Docker
- Python 3.6.11
- poetry 1.1.3
- Node.js 12.18.4
- MySQL 8.0.22
- Clone repository and update submodule
$ git clone
$ git submodule update --init
- Install packages of Node.js
$ yarn install
- Install packages of Python
$ cd server
$ make bootstrap
- Start Docker
$ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
- Start Flask
(another session)
$ cd server
$ make run-development
- Build Webpack
$ yarn build
- Go to "http://localhost" in your browser
- Create database and user in MySQL
$ mysqladmin create dbcls_test -u root -h127.0.0.1 -P3308 --default-character-set=utf8mb4
$ mysql -u root -h127.0.0.1 -P3308
mysql> CREATE USER 'dbcls_tester'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'rjIHxE8qQT';
mysql> GRANT ALL ON dbcls_test.* TO 'dbcls_tester'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION;
mysql> flush privileges;
$ APP_ENV=test poetry run alembic -n test upgrade head
- Run tests
$ cd server
$ APP_ENV=test poetry run pytest tests