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Extends: Reference


This class defines how the properties of the Card definition are to be used during setup()

All the properties defined on the card json will attempt to find a matching label node inside the cards _card_labels dictionary. If one was not found, an error will be printed.

The exception is properties starting with _underscore. This are considered Meta properties and the game will not attempt to display them on the card front.



const REPLACEMENTS: Dictionary = {}

Allows the Card object and Card Viewer to replace specific entries during display. For example, you can mark that a cost of 'U' is displayed as an empty string (''). or a value of 0 to be displayed as 'X'. This const is a series of nested constants. Each top key is a property name. Each second-level key is value to replace. The value is the replacement. Example

	"Cost": {
		'U': '',
		-1: 'X',

Constants Descriptions


const BOOL_PROPERTY_TO_HIDE_IN_CARDVIEWER: String = "_hide_in_deckbuilder"

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card. These are number carrying properties, which we want to hide their label when they're 0, to allow more space for other labels. If any strings in this array are found in the value of a PROPERTIES_NUMBERS property Then during comparisons, they are treated as if they were 0 The cards where their SCENE_PROPERTY value is in this list will not be shown in the deckbuilder.

This is useful to prevent a whole class of cards from being shown in the deckbuilder, without adding _hide_in_deckbuilder to each of them If this property exists in a card and is set to true, the card will not be displayed in the cardviewer


const CARD_BBCODE: Dictionary = {"damage":"[img={icon_size}]res://assets/icons/broadsword.png[/img]"}

Allows the Card object and Card Viewer to replace specific entries during display. For example, you can mark that a cost of 'U' is displayed as an empty string (''). or a value of 0 to be displayed as 'X'. This const is a series of nested constants. Each top key is a property name. Each second-level key is value to replace. The value is the replacement. Example

	"Cost": {
		'U': '',
		-1: 'X',

Defined bbcode which will replace the specified string in RichTextLabels For example, a key of 'damage' in this dictionary, will replace all instances of {damage} in card text with the provided bbcode value.


const EXPLANATIONS: Dictionary = {"Clarification A":"You can even provide longer clarification on card abilities","Keyword 1":"Keyword 1: You can specify explanations for keywords that might appear in the text","Tag 1":"Tag 1: You can add extra explanations for tags"}

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card. These are number carrying properties, which we want to hide their label when they're 0, to allow more space for other labels. If any strings in this array are found in the value of a PROPERTIES_NUMBERS property Then during comparisons, they are treated as if they were 0 The cards where their SCENE_PROPERTY value is in this list will not be shown in the deckbuilder.

This is useful to prevent a whole class of cards from being shown in the deckbuilder, without adding _hide_in_deckbuilder to each of them If this property exists in a card and is set to true, the card will not be displayed in the cardviewer When these keys are detected in the the "Tag" or "_keyword" fields, they will add extra info panel with the specified information to the player. See OVUtils.populate_info_panels()


const NUMBERS_HIDDEN_ON_0: Array = []

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card. These are number carrying properties, which we want to hide their label when they're 0, to allow more space for other labels.


const NUMBER_WITH_LABEL: Array = ["Cost","Power"]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label.


const PROPERTIES_ARRAYS: Array = ["Tags"]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method


const PROPERTIES_NUMBERS: Array = ["Cost","Power"]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup()


const PROPERTIES_STRINGS: Array = ["Type","Requirements","Abilities"]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels


const SCENE_PROPERTY: String = "Type"

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card.


const TYPES_TO_HIDE_IN_CARDVIEWER: Array = ["Token"]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card. These are number carrying properties, which we want to hide their label when they're 0, to allow more space for other labels. If any strings in this array are found in the value of a PROPERTIES_NUMBERS property Then during comparisons, they are treated as if they were 0 The cards where their SCENE_PROPERTY value is in this list will not be shown in the deckbuilder.

This is useful to prevent a whole class of cards from being shown in the deckbuilder, without adding _hide_in_deckbuilder to each of them


const VALUES_TREATED_AS_ZERO: Array = ["X","null",null]

Properties which are placed as they are in appropriate labels Properties which are converted into string using a format defined in setup() The name of these properties will be prepended before their value to their label. Properties provided in a list which are converted into a string for the label text, using the array_join() method This property matches the name of the scene file (without the .tcsn file) which is used as a template For this card. These are number carrying properties, which we want to hide their label when they're 0, to allow more space for other labels. If any strings in this array are found in the value of a PROPERTIES_NUMBERS property Then during comparisons, they are treated as if they were 0

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