This is a partial port of the official VQGAN repo to JAX with Haiku.
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download pretrained VGG/LPIPS weights for perceptual loss here, and un-tar them in the root directory:
tar -xzvf weights.tar.gz
import haiku as hk
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from import build, build_decoder
from vqgan.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG
# This builds the model function, JITs a training step function, and initializes the optimizers
built_model = build(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
vqgan_opt_state = built_model['init_opt_state']
disc_opt_state = built_model['init_disc_opt_state']
train_step = built_model['step_fn']
model = built_model['model']
get_params = built_model['get_params']
# make sure not to keep references to the initial optimizer states so they don't hog
del built_model
# make some fake data
# Images should be VGG norm
batch_size = 2
channels = 3
width = 128
height = 128
input_images = jnp.zeros((batch_size, channels, height, width))
# Train on fake data. Make sure to pass in t so the learning rate schedules work right
for t in range(1, 10):
vqgan_opt_state, disc_opt_state, losses = train_step(
run_discriminator=t >= DEFAULT_CONFIG.disc_start_step
# get the params out of the optimizer_state
params = get_params(vqgan_opt_state)
# encode and decode an image
deterministic_model = hk.without_apply_rng(model)
model_output = deterministic_model.apply(params, input_images[0])
reconstructed_image = model_output['decoded']
z = model_output['selected_codes']
decoder_only_function = hk.without_apply_rng(build_decoder(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
# decode an image from a latent code
image_from_code = decoder_only_function.apply(params, z.reshape(16, 16))['decoded']