v1.4.5 stable (Marlin 1.1.9)
Implemented optional startup chime
- Enable STARTUP_CHIME in Configuration.h to play a short chime on Trigorilla startup/serial connection, disabled by default
Implemented optional endstop beeps
- Enable ENDSTOP_BEEP in Configuration.h to enable a 2KHz beep when endstops are hit, disabled by default.
Adjusted PWM frequencies to better match FDD8780, WSK220N04 and VS40200ATD MOSFET spec.
- Heater PWM frequency increased from 7.6294 Hz to 30.5176 Hz
- Referencing the Forward Bias Safe Area from the MOSFET's datasheets, this value should be safer.
- Use software PWM for fans to reduce whine
- The higher PWM frequency works well with the stock parts cooling fan and might allow for better control of third party fans
G26 Gcode:
- Changed Q parameter to only specify retraction length
- Added Z parameter for unretraction length
- Preserved fixed multiplier of 1.2 if Z isn't specified
- Added check to avoid implausible retract/unretract ratios
- Changed default config values
A PID tune might be necessary after this update. Also updated default values to M301 P18.58 I1.38 D62.40
and M304 P187.45 I35.75 D245.71