We propose an alternative to classical attention that scales linearly with the number of tokens and is based on high order moments.
The HoMM scheme is as follows: Having a query token
/!\ Help welcome: DM me on twitter (https://twitter.com/david_picard), or submit an issue, or email me!
- 20240122: diffusion branch is merged. Imagenet models are still training and improving.
- 20240120: metrics are fixed. Diffusion branch started. imagenet classification progress (53%->60%).
- 20240119: support for lightning and hydra added! Welcome to the multigpu world!
Easy targets if you want to contribute
- Fix the MAE training with lightning+hydra
- Make an evaluation script for MAE: it loads the encoder from a MAE checkpoint and trains a classifier on top of it on imagenet. Add the fine-tune all model option
- fix the diffusion samplers, they don't really work.
- Search a good architecture for diffusion, maybe inspired from RIN
- Make a script that leverages a search tool (like https://docs.ray.io) to search for good hyper params (lr, wd, order, order_expand and ffw_expand mainly)
- Vision: ImageNet classification (best 224x224 model score so far: 61.7% top-1 // 20230122)
- Vision: Masked Auto Encoder pretraining
- Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting: Running comparisons against AutoML Forecasting evaluations
This repo supports hydra for handling configs. Look at src/configs to edit them. Here is an example of a training run:
python src/train.py data.dataset_builder.data_dir=path_to_imagenet seed=3407 model.network.dim=128 data.size=224 model.network.kernel_size=32 model.network.nb_layers=12 model.network.order=2 model.network.order_expand=4 model.network.ffw_expand=4 model.network.dropout=0.0 model.optimizer.optim.weight_decay=0.01 model.optimizer.optim.lr=1e-3 data.full_batch_size=1024 trainer.max_steps=300000 model.lr_scheduler.warmup_steps=10000 computer.num_workers=8 computer.precision=bf16-mixed data/additional_train_transforms=randaugment data.additional_train_transforms.randaugment_p=0.1 data.additional_train_transforms.randaugment_magnitude=6 model.train_batch_preprocess.apply_transform_prob=1.0 checkpoint_dir="./checkpoints/"
python src/train.py --config-name train_mae data.dataset_builder.data_dir=path_to_dataset seed=3407 model.network.dim=128 data.size=256 model.network.kernel_size=16 model.network.nb_layers=8 model.network.order=4 model.network.order_expand=8 model.network.ffw_expand=4 model.network.dropout=0.0 model.optimizer.optim.weight_decay=0.01 model.optimizer.optim.lr=1e-3 data.full_batch_size=256 trainer.max_steps=300000 model.lr_scheduler.warmup_steps=10000 computer.num_workers=8 computer.precision=bf16-mixed data/additional_train_transforms=randaugment data.additional_train_transforms.randaugment_p=0.1 data.additional_train_transforms.randaugment_magnitude=6 model.train_batch_preprocess.apply_transform_prob=1.0 checkpoint_dir="./checkpoints/"
- Results: accuracy on the 1000 test nodes of the Cora dataset (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10903.pdf) of 0.805
- To reproduce, execute:
python src/train_gnn.py
- To run hyperparameter optimization, execute:
python src/optimize_hps_gnn.py
- Illustrative notebook:
- Default configuration file for train_gnn.py:
- Default configuration file for optimize_hps_gnn.py:
- Vision: diffusion model
- NLP: sentence embedding
- NLP: next token prediction
- Graphs?
On imagenet, with the following parameters:
- image size: 160
- patch size: 16
- # of layers: 8
- batch size: 512
- weight decay: 0.01
- # of training steps: 150k
- optimizer: AdamW
- rand-augment + cutmix/mixup
dim | o | oe | acc | Flops | # params |
320 | 1 | 8 | 43.6 | 2.6G | 26M |
320 | 2 | 4 | 47.6 | 2.6G | 26M |
320 | 4 | 2 | 46.1 | 2.6G | 26M |
256 | 2 | 8 | 47.9 | 2.9G | 29M |
256 | 4 | 4 | 46.1 | 2.9G | 29M |
Clearly, having the second order makes a big difference. Having the fourth order not so much. It's better to have a higher dimension and lower expansion than the contrary.