Need to track your progress for the Wounded Warrior Challenge but neither Garmin-Connect's web or mobile app gives you the ability to aggregate specific exercises over a specified time?
Record them in a spreadsheet? LOL...NO.
Save your workout as "Wounded Warrior - Day ##"
Confirm the exercises are correctly identified in Garmin-Connect
Create garmin.config.json in the root directory and configure it...
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
npm install
npm run start
startup for prod server on ex2, with Nninx and PM2 configured:
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo pm2 start wounded-warrior-tracker/server/index.js
✔️ Persist to a database
✔️ Modularize the server index
✔️ Clean up frontend components
✔️ Configure Nginx
✔️ Set up security certificate and https on the prod server
✔️ Clean up the frontend with MUI
- Add support future challenges