Collection of npm packages supporting
@supermodel/cli README
Main package used for installing system wide binary supermodel
for manipulating schemas
@supermodel/lib README
Collection of utils on top of json schema. Used in @supermodel/cli and on
@supermodel/file README
Utils for manipulating json schema on file system. Used in @supermodel/cli
We are using lerna for managing all packages together
yarn global add [email protected]
(npm i -g [email protected]
) - to install orchstrating tool lerna -
yarn bootstrap
- resolves and install root and packages dependencies⚠️ use this instead ofyarn [install]
- ensures presence of global installation of lerna and install it for you when missing
🤔 optional When developing against local instance setup .env for CLI. Choose symlink or copy:
- symlink:
ln -s ./packages/cli/.env.development ./packages/cli/.env
- copy:
cp ./packages/cli/.env.development ./packages/cli/.env
and change variables for your needs
- symlink:
yarn build:watch
- should be running while you want to use
afteryarn local:install
- should be running while you want to use
yarn test:watch
- watch tests in all packages at onceyarn build
- make production buildsyarn test
- run lint, type checks and run tests in all packages at onceyarn test:lint
- code lintingyarn test:types
- type checksyarn test:unit
- unit tests
To try @supermodel/cli locally with simple supermodel
command we need to link all packages.
There is shortcut to link all packages
yarn local:install
yarn local:uninstall
Every new module which manipulates with schemas (conversion, resolving, transforming etc.) or helps to work with schemas and environment around should be placed inside @supermodel/lib. Exposed modules for outside usage should return a value, or throw an error. Or promise analogy (resolve, reject) for async modules.
lerna publish
- useses lerna publish
- It is most streightforward way to publish. It compile typescript with
yarn build
command, tag changed packages with new versions and publish it to npm, and supermodel CLI are Good API non-profit projects, aimed at promoting modern, reusable, and sustainable data modeling.
The MIT License (MIT) 2019 Good API