Provides Spray marshallers for rendering Shapeless HLists in a route. It works by implicitly resolving a marshaller for each member of the HList and then rendering each one-by-one. That ramifications for this are that if you're attempting to output a type that Spray doesn't know how to write, you'll get a compile error. Unfortunately the error is not at all useful right now and will perhaps be addressed at a later time.
This library adds the spray.shapeless
package and will implicitly materialize a Spray marshaller when you import spray.shapeless.HListRendering._
or spray.shapeless.HListChunkedRendering._
for chunked output (each member of the HList represents a single HTTP chunk).
Here's a simplified example of its use:
import shapeless._
import spray.http._
import spray.json._
import spray.routing._
import spray.shapeless._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
case class Example(value: String)
object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val ExampleFormat = jsonFormat1(Example)
def exampleRoute: Route = {
get {
pathEndOrSingleSlash {
import JsonProtocol._
import HListRendering._
//import HListChunkedRendering._
complete(StatusCodes.OK, "First\n" :: Example("render to json") :: "\nLast" :: HNil)
When run, the response would be equivalent to:
"value": "render to json"
The test source contains a working example if you would like further clarification.