string-format is a small JavaScript library for formatting strings,
based on Python's str.format()
. For example:
> const user = {
. firstName: 'Jane',
. lastName: 'Smith',
. email: '[email protected]',
. }
> '"{firstName} {lastName}" <{email}>'.format (user)
'"Jane Smith" <[email protected]>'
The equivalent concatenation:
> '"' + user.firstName + ' ' + user.lastName + '" <' + + '>'
'"Jane Smith" <[email protected]>'
$ npm install string-format
const format = require ('string-format')
:<script src="path/to/string-format.js"></script>
string-format can be used in two modes: function mode and method mode.
> format ('Hello, {}!', 'Alice')
'Hello, Alice!'
In this mode the first argument is a template string and the remaining arguments are values to be interpolated.
> 'Hello, {}!'.format ('Alice')
'Hello, Alice!'
In this mode values to be interpolated are supplied to the format
method of a template string. This mode is not enabled by default.
The method must first be defined via format.extend
> format.extend (String.prototype, {})
format (template, $0, $1, …, $N)
and template.format ($0, $1, …, $N)
can then be used interchangeably.
Returns the result of replacing each {…}
placeholder in the template
string with its corresponding replacement.
Placeholders may contain numbers which refer to positional arguments:
> '{0}, you have {1} unread message{2}'.format ('Holly', 2, 's')
'Holly, you have 2 unread messages'
Unmatched placeholders produce no output:
> '{0}, you have {1} unread message{2}'.format ('Steve', 1)
'Steve, you have 1 unread message'
A format string may reference a positional argument multiple times:
> "The name's {1}. {0} {1}.".format ('James', 'Bond')
"The name's Bond. James Bond."
Positional arguments may be referenced implicitly:
> '{}, you have {} unread message{}'.format ('Steve', 1)
'Steve, you have 1 unread message'
A format string must not contain both implicit and explicit references:
> 'My name is {} {}. Do you like the name {0}?'.format ('Lemony', 'Snicket')
! ValueError: cannot switch from implicit to explicit numbering
and }}
in format strings produce {
and }
> '{{}} creates an empty {} in {}'.format ('dictionary', 'Python')
'{} creates an empty dictionary in Python'
Dot notation may be used to reference object properties:
> const bobby = {firstName: 'Bobby', lastName: 'Fischer'}
> const garry = {firstName: 'Garry', lastName: 'Kasparov'}
> '{0.firstName} {0.lastName} vs. {1.firstName} {1.lastName}'.format (bobby, garry)
'Bobby Fischer vs. Garry Kasparov'
may be omitted when referencing a property of {0}
> const repo = {owner: 'davidchambers', slug: 'string-format'}
> '{owner}/{slug}'.format (repo)
If the referenced property is a method, it is invoked with no arguments to determine the replacement:
> const sheldon = {
. firstName: 'Sheldon',
. lastName: 'Cooper',
. dob: new Date ('1970-01-01'),
. fullName: function() { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName },
. quip: function() { return 'Bazinga!' },
. }
> '{fullName} was born at precisely {dob.toISOString}'.format (sheldon)
'Sheldon Cooper was born at precisely 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
> "I've always wanted to go to a goth club. {quip.toUpperCase}".format (sheldon)
"I've always wanted to go to a goth club. BAZINGA!"
This function takes an object mapping names to transformers and returns
a formatting function. A transformer is applied if its name appears,
prefixed with !
, after a field name in a template string.
> const fmt = format.create ({
. escape: s =>
. s.replace (/[&<>"'`]/g, c => '&#' + c.charCodeAt (0) + ';'),
. upper: s =>
. s.toUpperCase (),
. })
> fmt ('Hello, {!upper}!', 'Alice')
'Hello, ALICE!'
> fmt ('<a href="{url!escape}">{name!escape}</a>', {
. name: 'Anchor & Hope',
. url: '',
. })
'<a href="">Anchor & Hope</a>'
This function takes a prototype (presumably String.prototype
) and an
object mapping names to transformers, and defines a format
method on
the prototype. A transformer is applied if its name appears, prefixed
with !
, after a field name in a template string.
> format.extend (String.prototype, {
. escape: s =>
. s.replace (/[&<>"'`]/g, c => '&#' + c.charCodeAt (0) + ';'),
. upper: s =>
. s.toUpperCase (),
. })
> 'Hello, {!upper}!'.format ('Alice')
'Hello, ALICE!'
> '<a href="{url!escape}">{name!escape}</a>'.format ({
. name: 'Anchor & Hope',
. url: '',
. })
'<a href="">Anchor & Hope</a>'
$ npm install
$ npm test