A Django project that allows you to catalog and stream your videos (using FFmpeg to add subtitles and transcode).
install postgresql, node, ffmpeg and mediainfo.
Create djmediastreamer user and database.
sudo -u postgres createuser djmediastreamer
sudo -u postgres createdb -O djmediastreamer djmediastreamer
Configure postgresql security (pg_hba.conf). Something like this:
host djmediastreamer djmediastreamer trust
Create the python environment.
cd ~
mkdir djmediastreamer
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
Clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/davidbt/djmediastreamer.git
Install python requirements.
cd djmediastreamer
pip install -r deploy/requirements.txt
Run the migrations.
./manage.py migrate
Create a superuser
./manage.py createsuperuser
Install js requirements.
cd djmediastreamer/static/
npm install
cd ../..
Run the server
./manage.py runserver
Go to the [admin page] (http://localhost:8000/admin/) Login, click on directories and the on "ADD DIRECTORY". In path enter the path where your videos are stored, ignore the rest of the fields and save.
Go to the [home page] (http://localhost:8000/). Threre should be a link to your directory but before you can watch you videos you should collect them clicking on "Collect". It should take a few seconds.
Now your are ready to click on your directory, it should show you all the videos in your directory with links to stream or download them.