Easy conversion from markdown files to json, to create an index.
Later, you can inject the json into algolia search.
It accepts YAML or TOML front matters.
npm install markdown2json --save
var indexer = require("markdown2json").Indexer;
indexer = new indexer(options);
"options" is a json with the following options:
- dir: String. directory to loop and/or substitute in the path attribute generated in the parsed md file.
- fileList : Array. Array of files (paths) to index.
- index_empty_content: Boolean. If false, it won't add the md to the json if the content is empty. Default is true.
- cleanMD: Boolean. If true, cleans markdown characters from content. Default is false.
- excludeIfProps : Array. Excludes the document from index if a property exists.
- removeProps: Array. Remove props from the Front Matter of the returned md.
- excludes: Array of strings. Paths to avoid in the indexing
var parser = require("markdown2json").parseMD;
parser(file, options).then(...)
where "options" is a json with the following options:
- dir: String. directory to replace and leave only relative path
- cleanMD: Boolean. if true, cleans markdown characters from content. Default is false
- removeProps: Array. Remove props from the Front Matter of the returned md.
Parsed object include:
- all the metadata in the front matter
- path: filepath without the root dir, if present
- objectID: base64 encoded path
- content, if exists
- indexTime: time in millis of the indexation
var indexer = require("markdown2json").Indexer;
var algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
var client = algoliasearch('YOURAPP ID', 'MANAGEMENT API KEY');
var algolia = client.initIndex('indexname');
indexer = new indexer(
"dir" : "./content",
"domain" : "http://yourdomain.com",
"index_empty_content" : false, //if md content == "", is not indexed
"excludeIfProps" : ["my_custom_prop"],
"cleanMD" : true,
"removeProps" : ["image"],
"excludes" : [
console.log(idx.length + " documents indexed");
console.log("publishing to algolia...");
algolia.saveObjects(idx, function(err, content) {
filters: 'indexTime < ' + idx[0].indexTime
}, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log('old records deleted');
var parser = require("markdown2json").parseMD;
parser("./content/markdownfile.md", {
"dir" : "./content",
"cleanMD" : true,