a portion of "SwiftUI by Example"
Videos on YouTube.
Started June 6, 2020 - David
- SwiftUI tutorial: Building a complete project
- Building a menu using List
- Composing views to create a list row
- Polishing designs with fonts and colors
- Displaying a detail screen with NavigationLink
June 7 : turorial sections completed
- Observable objects, environment objects, and @Published
- Adding items to an order with @EnvironmentObject
- Adding TabView and tabItem()
- Bindings and forms
- Two-way bindings in SwiftUI
- Formatting interpolated strings in SwiftUI
- Presenting an alert
- Adding swipe to delete and EditButton
- Wrap up: our SwiftUI project is complete
Suggestions - Challenges 3
- customize the Order This button with a custom font, background, and more...
- add "Pickup Time" to CheckoutView with options Now, Tonight & Tomorrow morning...
- add a Favorite navigation bar item to ItemDetail and a Favorites tab showing them all...
My suggestions:
- clear the memory of the current order when user clicks OK on conformation alert.
- add the subtotal value and the tip value to the Checkout view.
- call attention to duplicate items on the order list ...