A PowerShell module that provides an easy way to backup and manage DHCP logs and configuration.
- Backs DHCP logs from previous days.
- Ability to backup the DHCP server configuration.
- Add full backup of all logs.
- Remote backup.
- Add check for the DHCP Server Windows feature.
- Back up the configuration using something like Backup-DhcpServer or Export-DhcpServer instead of netsh.
This module requires PowerShell v3 from Microsoft. If you are running Windows Server 2012 - congratulations, it's already installed!
By default, PowerShell will not let you run unsigned modules and scripts and will only work in interactive mode. In order to run this module from a local drive, you will need to alter this behaviour. To do this, run PowerShell as an Administrator, then run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Copy the module files (BackupDhcpLogs.psm1, BackupDhcpLogs.psd1) into the following directory:
C:\PS>Backup-DhcpLogs -Destination "C:\Destination\Folder"
Backs up the DHCP logs to 'C:\Destination\Folder'.
C:\PS>Backup-DhcpLogs -Destination "C:\Destination\Folder" -RetentionDays 180
Backs up the DHCP logs to 'C:\Destination\Folder' and will delete old logs of the form 'DhcpSrvLog*' or 'DhcpV6SrvLog*' when they are older than 180 days.
If you are running this using the task scheduler, this can be done easily using the following command as the action:
powershell.exe -command &{Backup-DhcpLogs -Destination 'C:\Destination\Folder\DHCP' -RetentionDays 180}
For help, feedback, suggestions or bugfixes please check out http://tookitaway.co.uk/ or contact [email protected].