This is the documentation for Chadasa. The plan for this will be to build a simple wrapper library to interact with the Nest range of smart home products. The API documentation offers code examples to list your devices and structures (your home), but nothing else. This library will allow you to respond to events.
Google Nest doorbell does not allow routines to be triggered on doorbell press. The purpose of this project is to enable that, so I can flash the lights in the house (hue) if the bell cannot be heard. Or indeed to trigger any number of other routines. For example:
- Boil the kettle or make fresh coffee when my mother is at the door.
- Stick on a party playlist when my friends arrive.
- Dim the lights and turn on th planetarium when my son arrives home.
To use this script, you need a Google cloud project, a device access project and a pub/sub subscription. You need to set them up in that order.
You can follow the getting started guide here
Once you've completed the basic setup as per the guide above, you'll need to grab your OAUTH credentials file from your Google Cloud project. Download the oauth credentials json file and keep it in a safe place.
Warning, you have to pay $5 for this. Set up the device access console as per the same link above. You'll need the OAuth client ID from your json credentials file above to get this set up. Make sure you tick the "Enable Events" checkbox when creating your project.
Once you're set up and paid, you need to grab:
- Your Project ID
- Your Pub/Sub topic.
Once you have everything above from the device console and your cloud project credentials, it's time to set up your Pub/Sub subscription. You can follow the details here: or you can simply select the Pub/Sub menu item in the list of services on your Google Cloud project:
Go to the subscriptions page and create a subscription as per the link above. Instead of creating your own topic, you're going to enter the Pub/Sub topic that you got in step 2 above. So add a new subscription and enter it:
Once you've added your subscription, you're all set.
Add your client_secrets.json file to the same directory that this readme file is in. Then, add your
The DEVICE_ACCESS_CONSOLE_PROJECT_ID is the project ID in the Device Access Console.
The CLOUD_PROJECT_ID is the project ID in your Google Cloud Console project.
The PUB_SUB_SUBSCRIPTION_ID is just the part after the last forward slash of the subscription you created.
When you run the script, you should see something like this:
- 1 is simply the standard API calls to the device and structure list endpoints.
- 2 is the complete response as a byte string for you to handle how you like.
- 3 is the events themselves. You can check for them and react to them as you see fit.
This is a personal project and is a work in progress. It's probably riddled with bugs and poor code. Use at your own risk and please feel free to submit a PR.
- Refactor with black
- Create a class for the message responses
- Add dependencies & attribution
- ['previewUrl']