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Adds XML feed formatted for Facebook Dynamic Ads for Real Estate to IMPress Listings

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FB Dynamic Ads for Real Estate

Contributors: davebonds
Author link:
Tags: facebook, facebook ads, dynamic listings, real estate, impress listings
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.9
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.2.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Adds XML feed formatted for FB Dynamic Ads for Real Estate to the IMPress Listings plugin.


New! Facebook pixel code is automatically added for you, just enter your pixel ID! New! Pixel events are tracked when a search is performed or listing is viewed.

This plugin adds an XML feed for IMPress Listings formatted to standards and requirements for FB Dynamic Ads for Real Estate Listing Catalogs.

For specific information on setting up real estate listing catalogs, view the Documentation for Facebook Dynamic Ad Listing Catalogs.

Support for this plugin is handled on Github.


  1. In the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress, search for FB Dynamic Ads for Real Estate
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Note The IMPress Listings plugin is required for this plugin to work.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the listing catalog XML file?

The plugin adds a new feed url at

How do I have create a listing catalog with more than the default 10 listings?

The feed template supports a query parameter of ?numposts=X - where X is the number of listing posts to display. Example:

How do I have create a listing catalog for just one location?

The feed template supports a query parameter of ?location=X - where X is the slug of your location taxonomy term. Example:

My listings already have a Status and Property Type set with a taxonomy, why do I have to select one from the metabox?

This is because the fields required by Facebook only accept specific values and cannot reliably be matched to a user-defined value.

Why are my listings not displaying in the catalog feed

This is most likely due to your listings missing one of the required fields. For a list of the required fields, view the dynamic ad catalog documentation.

Will this plugin support other real estate listing plugins?

Not likely unless there is an overwhelming interest to do so.


  1. Listing post metabox for Dynamic Ads fields.



  • Fix: Replaced get_the_excerpt description element in feed with trimmed get_the_content due to FB parsing issues with HTML entities.
  • New: Added fb_dare_feed_description filter for feed description element.


  • New: Adds Facebook pixel code.
  • New: Will now output pixel events for viewing a listing (ViewContent event) and search for listings (Search event).
  • New: Also adds standard pixel events for PageView and ViewContent for other non-listing WordPress content.


  • New: Added metabox to listing edit screen to select fields formatted for listing catalog feed (availability, property type, listing type).
  • New: Added availability, property type, and listing type fields to XML.
  • New: Added neighborhood field to XML (uses locations default taxonomy).
  • New: Add settings to input Facebook account identifiers.


  • Initial release.


  • Determine best way to hook into InitiateCheckout and Purchase events


Adds XML feed formatted for Facebook Dynamic Ads for Real Estate to IMPress Listings






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