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Google Code Exporter edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Vocabulary Synchronization

One of the challenges of a centralized vocabulary service is keeping the vocabularies up-to-date with the external sources. For example, the Library of Congress publishes vocabulary changes as Atom feed via Changes are loaded every 3-4 weeks.

With the 2.0 release, the HIVE service includes support for synchronization of the LCSH vocabulary with the LC Atom feed. This page describes the implementation.

Two new optional properties have been added to the file:

  • creationDate: Creation date of the SKOS/RDF file. This is used to determine the last update date during the initial synchronization.
  • atomFeedURL: URL of the atom feed used for synchronization.

Database Schema Changes

The HIVE 2.0 release introduces a new SETTINGS table in the H2 database for each vocabulary. The SETTINGS table includes a new column LAST_UPDATE that is updated during each import or add/update/remove of a concept. The last update date is used during sychronization.


A new class edu.unc.ils.mrc.hive.sync.lcsh.AtomSynchronizer has been added to the hive-core.jar. This class implements the actual synchronization process -- reading updated concepts from the atom feed and acting on the HIVE data store. Adds, updates, and removes are applied across each of the HIVE indexes (Sesame, Lucene, H2).


Automatic synchronization has been implemented using the Quartz scheduler in the hiveweb web application.


  • quartz-jobs.xml: Specifies the synchronization job class and the cron-based trigger configuration (how frequently the updates run)
  • General Quartz configuration

Synchronization job:

  • edu.unc.hive.sync.SyncJob implements the Quarts Job interface. Currently this job only updates the LCSH vocabulary using the above AtomSynchronizer class.
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