v0.4.1 [DBR 13.3 LTS]
- Fixed python bindings for MosaicAnalyzer functions.
- Added tiller functions, ST_AsGeoJSONTile and ST_AsMVTTile, for creating GeoJSON and MVT tiles as aggregations of geometries.
- Added filter and convolve functions for raster data.
- Raster tile schema changed to be <tile:struct<index_id:bigint, tile:binary, metadata:map<string, string>>.
- Raster tile metadata will contain driver, parentPath and path.
- Raster tile metadata will contain warnings and errors in case of failures.
- All raster functions ensure rasters are TILED and not STRIPED when appropriate.
- GDAL cache memory has been decreased to 512MB to reduce memory usage and competition with Spark.
- Add RST_MakeTiles that allows for different raster creations.
- Rasters can now be passed as file pointers using checkpoint location.
- Added logic to handle zarr format for raster data.
- Added RST_SeparateBands to separate bands from a raster for NetCDF and Zarr formats.