Software Development Engineer at
About me:
- 👀 Interested in Web development, blockchain, Machine learning
- 🌱 Love to code in Python and Javascript
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on web dev projects
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 🚀 Etch a sketch: A web application built with React.js and Node.js for fun
- 🌐 Sorting Visualizer: Sorting Algorithms Visualizer is an interactive web application designed to help users understand and visualize various sorting algorithms. This tool offers a hands-on approach to learning, allowing users to see how different algorithms work in real-time
- 🧩 I love solving puzzles and brain teasers.
- 🏞️ I enjoy hiking and exploring nature.
- 🎮 In my free time, I like to play video games.