Sign and Verify messages with Dash Private Keys
dashmsg sign --cointype 0x4c \
'XK5DHnAiSj6HQNsNcDkawd9qdp8UFMdYftdVZFuRreTMJtbJhk8i' \
dashmsg verify \
'XyBmeuLa8y3D3XmzPvCTj5PVh7WvMPkLn1' \
'dte2022-akerdemelidis|estoever|mmason' \
Also useful for and inspecting debugging:
- coin type (network) byte
- payment address of private key
- i (quadrant), r, and s of signature
dashmsg help
dashmsg v0.9.1 (xxxxxxx) 2022-03-13T11:45:52-0700
dashmsg <command> [flags] args...
See usage: dashmsg help <command>
gen [--cointype '0xcc'] [name.wif]
sign [--cointype '0x4c'] <key> <msg>
inspect [--cointype '0x4c'] <key | address | signature>
decode (alias of inspect)
verify <payment address> <msg> <signature>
dashmsg gen ./dash.wif
dashmsg sign dash.wif ./msg.txt
dashmsg sign dash.wif 'my message'
dashmsg sign 'Xxxx...ccc' 'my message'
dashmsg inspect --verbose 'Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccc'
dashmsg verify Xxxx...ccc 'my message' 'II....signature...'
dashmsg verify ./addr.b58c.txt ./msg.txt ./sig.b64.txt
git clone
pushd ./dashmsg/
go build -mod=vendor -o dashmsg ./cmd/dashmsg/
Because one of the dependencies requires CGO_ENABLED=1
and uses low-level syscalls (I have no idea why - probably completely unnecessary), it must be built on and released from the respective OSes.
goreleaser -f .goreleaser.yml --rm-dist --single-target --skip-validate
--single-target - build only for the current OS
--skip-validate - uploads the image even though it can update the checksums
Note: MacOS actually can build both the amd64 and arm64 versions on an M1.
Documentation at