This uses dotbot to bootstrap a new computer.
Be up and running in minutes rather than having to set all these tools up manually.
Clone this repository
git clone
Review the apps in install.conf.yaml
and add any extras you want.
Run ./install
Starship is a nice terminal prompt tool follow it's installation guide after the install script has been run.
Run gh auth login
This will ask you how you want to authenticate to GitHub and then prompt you to login to GitHub in the web browser and enter a code in your terminal.
Ensure you setup your gitconfig or add it to your own fork of this repository.
name = <your name>
useConfigOnly = true
email = <your email>
Consider signing your commits to prove it was you who authored them. SSH signing is easier than GPG.
Follow the GitHub documentation
You need to add your SSH key to your ssh-agent with ssh-add $ssh-key
If you configured the GitHub CLI to use SSH auth in the previous step you can use that for your signing key as well, just add it at SSH and GPG keys.
Make sure you open all the apps once from the casks section. Rectangle and maccy will need accessibility permissions to work.
It's recommended that you fork the repository and add your own files, config and applications.
I have this at top of my install.conf.yaml
which manages most of my dotfiles:
- defaults:
relink: true
force: true
- clean: ['~']
- link:
~/bin: bin
glob: true
path: config/*