Application for receiving and sending emails built with Java and Angular 4+
Component | Technology |
Frontend | Angular 4+ and Covalent |
Backend (REST) | SpringBoot (Java) |
Security | Token Based (Spring Security and JWT ) |
In Memory DB | H2 |
Persistence | JPA (Using Spring Data) |
Client Build Tools | angular-cli, Webpack, npm |
Server Build Tools | Maven (Java) |
│ pom.xml
│ └──[main]
│ └──[java]
│ └──[resources]
│ │ #contains springboot cofigurations
│ │ schema.sql # Contains DB Script to create tables that executes during the App Startup
│ │ data.sql # Contains DB Script to Insert data that executes during the App Startup (after schema.sql)
│ └──[public] # keep all html,css etc, resources that needs to be exposed to user without security
│ │
│ └──[webui]
│ │ package.json
│ │ angular-cli.json #ng build configurations)
│ └──[node_modules]
│ └──[src] #frontend source files
│ └──[dist] #frontend build files, auto-created after running angular build: ng -build
└──[target] #Java build files, auto-created after running java build: mvn install
Ensure you have this installed before proceeding further
- Java 8
- Maven 3.3.9+
- Node 6.0 or above,
- npm 4 or above,
- Angular-cli
This is an RESTfull email service built with Java and Angular.
# Navigate to PROJECT_FOLDER/webui (should cntain package.json )
npm i
# build the project (this will put the files under dist folder)
ng build
# or for live development
ng serve
# Maven Build : Navigate to the root folder where pom.xml is present
mvn spring-boot:run
TODO: !!!
# Start the server (8448)
# port and other configurations for API servere is in [./src/main/resources/](/src/main/resources/ file
# Go to the http://localhost:8448/ (or http://localhost:4200/ for live development)