Contains script examples with commit comments explaining the reasoning behind its existence.
- Async vs Sync I/O
- Async vs Sync Compute
- Node package build
- Node npm dependency setup
- Node module export/require
- Express routing
- Express port listener
- Express server instantiation
- Express static file share
- Express router instantiation
- Controller exports to routers
- Express Router Query Strings
- Nodemon config file (nodemon.json)
- MongoDB Connection Client
- MongoDB Connection to Controller
- MongoDB backup, import, restore db shell (see: package.json database scripts.)
- MongoDB; accessing via NodeJS
- MongoDB; getting/posting data to collections.
- Mongoose: MongoDB persistent database connection
- Mongoose: data schemas
- Mongoose: nested data schemas
- Mongoose: queried routing
- Mongoose: filtered query routing
- Mongoose: geo-coordinate data models
- Mongoose: GET HTTP method
- Mongoose: POST HTTP method
- Mongoose: PUT HTTP method
- Mongoose: DELETE HTTP method
- AngularJS: Custom Directives
- AngularJS: Services
- AngularJS: Routing
- AngularJS: jwt Frontend Authentication
- AngularJS: Templates
- AngularJS: User Login/Logout/Registration Controller
- AngularJS: Custom and Vanilla DataFactories
- AngularJS: HTTP Interceptors