The purpose of this project is in order to provide step-by-step examples of learning Vulkan. The current examples work well on Android phones which are capable for Vulkan. They have been confirmed running well in AndroidStudio. (Maybe I would consider making it support macOS platform soon.)
- Android: Android Studio 4.0, API 29, NDK 21, Gradle 6.1.1
- macOS
- Windows
git clone [email protected]:daoshengmu/vulkan-android.git
cd vulkan-android
Fetch Git submodules.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Update gfx-math
Due to we stick with KTX-Software
v3.0, we can't easily just git submodule update for updating all submodules totally, we have to update the submodules respectively to avoid KTX-Software folder is updated.
git submodule update --remote third_party/gfx-math/
Due to we use fopen
to access textures from the storage instead of Android asset manager, we need to sync the texture files manually.
adb push --sync assets/ /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.example.{PROJECT_NAME}/files/
We are currently running automatic build in Circle-CI and partial automatic tests in Github actions because Circle-CI do not support Android emulator launching in their Linux VM.
Run Build: Go to a sub-folder, execute ./gradlew build
Run Tests: Go to unittests/ folder, execute ./gradlew connectedCheck
- Triangle: Using a basic shader and vertex buffer to present how to draw primitives in Vulkan.
- Cube index buffer: Introduce how to use a index buffer combines with a vertex buffer to draw indexed primitives.
- Projection transform: Describe how to use a uniform buffer to send a model-view-projection matrix to a vertex shader, and show how to load Vulkan layer properties from Vulkan jni library.
- Texture mapping: Giving an example of how to load and create a texture in Vulkan, Then, in fragement shaders, how we fetch the texels of a texture.
- glTF model loader: Provide a glTF model loader and display glTF in Vulkan.
- Video playback with Vulkan.
- Physically-based rendering: PBR material support.
- Vulkan Tutorial,
- googlesamples/android-vulkan-tutorials,
- KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Samples,