Angular2 REST Client inpsired by angular2-rest
Tooling inspired by angular2-webpack-starter
npm install angular2-rest-client --save
Don't forget to add it to your System.js config if you're using that:
'angular2-rest-client': 'npm:angular2-rest-client/bundles/index.umd.js'
where npm:
is the path pointing to node_modules/
...also depends on Reflect: 'reflect-metadata': 'npm:reflect-metadata/Reflect.js'
// add base url from string
// add base url from json file
@BaseUrl('/config.json', 'base-url')
// add base url from function
// be sure to declare the function non-arrow style to have correct scope of this
@BaseUrl(function(){ return this.http.get('/config.json').map( (r: Response) => r.json()['base-url'] ) })
// only one of these per class
// add some general headers
'X-Some-Common-Header': 'Some value',
'X-Some-Other-Common-Header': 'Some other value'
// add custom error handler
@ApiError( (err, caught): Observable<string> => Observable.throw(new CustomError('BOOM!')) )
// you probably want to make this injectable
// needst to extend AbstractApiClient
class ApiClient extends AbstractApiClient
constructor( protected http: Http ) { super(http); }
// specific method headers
@Headers({ 'X-Some-Specific-Header': 'Some value' })
// expected response content type
@Type( ResponseContentType.Blob )
// GET type request
// add param to path: {id} is replaced by param value
public read( @Path('Id') id: string ): Observable<Response> { return }
// POST type request
// add body fileds to the request
public create( @Body('Name') name: string, @Body('Contents') file: File ): Observable<Response> { return }
// can also add just a single param without any name, which will add the body as is to the request
public create( @Body() body: string ): Observable<Response> { return }
// PUT type request
// add header from param to the request
public update( @Header('X-Some-Author') author: number ): Observable<Response> { return }
// DELETE type request
// add query param: ?filter=
public delete( @Query('filter') filter: string ): Observable<Response> { return }
// HEAD type request
public check(): Observable<Response> { return }
// OPTIONS type request
public describe(): Observable<Response> { return }