You have to configure the Prometheus Alert Manager something like:
- match:
service: myservice
receiver: cachethq-receiver
- name: cachethq-receiver
- url: http://prometheus_cachet_bridge:8080/alert
bearer_token: _prometheus_bearer_token_
If you have a CachetHQ and a Prometheus running on your local machine
go build .
./prometheus-cachethq -prometheus_token _prometheus_bearer_token_ -cachethq_token _token_ -label_name alertname
# to test, you can send by hand an alert to the Prometheus Alert Manager
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"labels":{"alertname":"component21"}}]' localhost:9093/api/v1/alerts
You need to provide a ssl cert AND a ssl key file:
# Key considerations for algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
# Key considerations for algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
# List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out server.key
Generation of self-signed(x509) public key (PEM-encodings .pem|.crt) based on the private (.key)
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650
And you can start the bridge like:
./prometheus-cachethq -prometheus_token _prometheus_bearer_token_ -cachethq_token _token_ -ssl_cert_file ./server.crt --ssl_key_file ./server.key
You can either compile the Docker image (cf Dockerfile), or docker image on docker hub (nzin/prometheus-cachethq)
There is a minikube directory for an example. If you use this example:
- change the API_KEY to a random value in minikube/cachethq.yaml
- change the Prometheus token with yours in minikube/cachethq.yaml
- run the application (kubectl apply -f ./minikube)
- connect to cachethq to configure it
- go to http://:30080/dashboard/components/add to add a component (for example one called 'component21')
- go to http://:30080/dashboard/user to create a prometheus-cachethq user, and grab its token
- change the cachethq token in minikube/cachethq.yaml and restart the application (kubectl apply -f minikube/cachethq.yaml)
You can now simulate Prometheus Alertmanager by issuing something like:
curl -X POST http://<minikube>:30081/alert -H 'Authorization: Bearer <prometheus token>' -d '{"receiver":"cachethq-receiver","status":"firing","alerts":[{"status":"firing","labels":{"alertname":"component21"},"annotations":{},"startsAt":"2018-05-22T20:00:32.729840058-04:00","endsAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","generatorURL":""}],"groupLabels":{"alertname":"component21"},"commonLabels":{"alertname":"component21"},"commonAnnotations":{},"externalURL":"http://localhost.localdomain:9093","version":"4","groupKey":"{}:{alertname=\"component21\"}"}'
Here is the exhaustive list of parameters. You can pass them either as command line parameter, or as env variables (if you use a docker image for example)
Mandatory | command line name | environment variable name | description |
yes | prometheus_token | PROMETHEUS_TOKEN | token sent by Prometheus in the webhook configuration |
default = | cachethq_url | CACHETHQ_URL | where to find CachetHQ |
yes | cachethq_token | CACHETHQ_TOKEN | token to send to CachetHQ |
no | cachethq_skip_verify_ssl | CACHETHQ_SKIP_VERIFY_SSL | No SSL certificate check if accessing CachetHQ via https |
no | cachethq_root_ca | CACHETHQ_ROOT_CA | Root SSL CA file to use against CachetHQ if self sign |
default = info | log_level | LOG_LEVEL | log level: [info |
no | ssl_cert_file | SSL_CERT_FILE | to be used with ssl_key: enable https server |
no | ssl_key_file | SSL_KEY_FILE | to be used with ssl_cert: enable https server |
default = alertname | label_name | LABEL_NAME | label to look for in Prometheus Alert info |
default = 8080 | http_port | HTTP_PORT | port to listen on |
no | squash_incident | SQUASH_INCIDENT | if we dont want 2 events for incident created and solved |