This repository contains the LexTex sources, the main outcome of the work: LexTex: A Novel FrameWork to Automatically Assign Scores to Word Senses in Domain Specific Categories
LexTex is a python developed tool that enables to build new lexicons starting from a set of annotated resources. It is written in python end exploits functionalities of Stanford Core NLP and UKB.
Authors: Danilo Dessi' and Diego Reforgiato Recupero
src/ contains source codes for building a new WordNet synsets-based lexicon. It also includes a script for labeling new resources with the generated lexicon.
training_data/ contains training data that is employed to build our lexicons.
test/ contains test data and scripts used for the evaluation.
lexicons/ contains all lexicons built and evaluated in this work.
results-supervised/ contains the scores predicted with the supervised methods Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machine
Data used for the comparison with supervised methods are available in:
Python version >= 3.6
Java version >= 1.8
Install other requirements with: pip3 install -r src/requirements.txt
Finally, download the stopwords module of nltk with python3 -m nltk.downloader stopwords
LexTex uses corenlp-server and ukb-3.1 in its pipeline. Please use this versions.
ukb-3.1/ can be downloaded from Extract the archive under the LexTex directory. Compile its KB following the point 1.2 of its README (see readme under the ./script directory). In our experiments we employed the version 3.0 of WordNet.
stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05 can be downloaded from Extract the archive under the LexTex directory.
To use LexTex the command python3 must be executed. Accepted parameters are:
-d, --directory : the direcry that contains all resources that will be employed to generate a new lexicon (mandatory)
-m, --mode : the mode with which UKB will be used by the Word Sense Disambiguation Module. The default mode is ppr_w2w.
-c, --categories : the number of categories (mandatory)
-lc, --label-categories : the list of categories separated by coma (es. joy,sadness,fear)
-ln, --lexicon-name : the name that will be assiged to the lexicon
-nn, --no-norm: flag that indicates that averages over categories must not be normalized
-nc, --no-coeff: flag that indicates that averages over categories must not be weighted with "cf"
python3 -d training -c 5
python3 -d training -c 5 -ln my_new_super_lexicon
python3 -d training -c 5 -m ppr_w2w -ln my_new_super_lexicon++
python3 -d training -c 5 -m ppr_w2w -ln my_new_super_lexicon++ --no-coeff
Input files must be added into a unique directory. Each row of a file must contain a text followed by a score for each categories. The separation character must be '\t'.
The output is a lexicon where in each row there is a WordNet synset and a value for each input category. See the directory lexicons for examples.
Planned developments and fixes:
- adding the headers to columns of generated lexicons