The "" script calculates allelic fraction (i.e., read fraction support) of specified variants within a given sample as well as its "pool complement" ("PC" for short: a set of co-multiplexed samples, which do not originate from the same individual). Information necessary for each processed sample (e.g., the sample pool of origin, the associated BAM file, the variants to be investigated) need to be provided via a mandatory configuration input file (as described below). GATK tools are used for generating raw variant support information in the relevant samples. The generated raw information subsequently serves as input for calculating sample allelic fractions and pool complement allelic fractions.
The usage and meaning of available command-line options:
Path to the configuration file
Path to GATK jar file (recommended GATK version: 3.7)
Path to the reference genome fasta file, which was
used for any prior read mapping and variant calling
(related fasta index files required by the GATK tools
should also be present in the same directory)
Path to Java 8 executable (only necessary to be
specified if Java 8 is not the system's default Java
[default value: "java"]
Path to the intended output directory (the output
directory must not exist prior to execution of this
-b [0,40], --min_base_quality [0, 40]
Minimum required base quality (bases with quality
under the specified threshold will be disregarded
during variant support calculation)
[default value: 20]
-m [0, 40], --min_mapping_quality [0, 40]
Minimum required read mapping quality (bases from
alignments with mapping quality under the specified
threshold will be disregarded during variant support
[default value: 20]
-p [1, 64], --parallelization_level [1, 64]
Number of GATK Pileup commands run in parallel
[default value: 8]
The configuration file can contain any number of comment/header lines (beginning on "#"), which will be ignored during the processing. Each data line is expected to specify information about one of the samples that are to be processed by the script. Exactly 8 tab-separated columns with the following content (and exactly in the specified order) are expected:
- sample pool ID: a value indicating given sample's pool of origin (the value determines which samples have been multiplexed together and is used in output directory- and file-names);
- sample pool size: size of the sample pool (passed to the final output, but not utilized for any calculations);
- sample ID: a value identifying given sample;
- individual ID: a value identifying the individual, from which the given sample originates (the value is used for determining individual-based sample pool complements);
- BAM file path: the path to given sample's alignment file in the BAM format;
- VCF file path: the path to given sample's variant call file in the VCF format (please note that all variants listed in the VCF file will be annotated with PC-AF values);
- contamination values: given sample's contamination level (passed to the final output, but not utilized for any calculations);
- contaminant-only status: a flag indicating whether given sample should be used as a contaminantion source only (if the supplied value is "Y"), any value other than "Y" will lead to PC-AF calculation for given sample's variants; values in columns 6) and 7) are currently unused for samples that serve only as contamination sources.
All values are treated as string, even though downstream processing can benefit from sample pool size and contamination values being specified in int- and float-like strings, respectively.
Example of a configuration file:
#sample_pool_ID sample_pool_size sample_ID individual_ID BAM_path VCF_path contamination contaminant_only
ExAmp_Pool 12 sample_01 patient_01 /BAMs/sample_01.bam /VCFs/sample_01.vcf 0.7 .
ExAmp_Pool 12 sample_02 patient_01 /BAMs/sample_02.bam /VCFs/sample_02.vcf 1.2
ExAmp_Pool 12 sample_11 patient_07 /BAMs/sample_11.bam . . Y
ExAmp_Pool 12 sample_12 patient_08 /BAMs/sample_12.bam /VCFs/sample_12.vcf 0.8 .
BrAmp_Pool 12 sample_21 patient_12 /BAMs/sample_21.bam /VCFs/sample_21.vcf 0.0 .
BrAmp_Pool 12 sample_22 patient_13 /BAMs/sample_22.bam . . Y
BrAmp_Pool 12 sample_31 patient_14 /BAMs/sample_31.bam /VCFs/sample_31.vcf 0.1 .
BrAmp_Pool 12 sample_32 patient_14 /BAMs/sample_32.bam /VCFs/sample_32.vcf 0.1 .
The following output is created in the specified output directory:
- a subdirectory for each sample pool (i.e., for each unique value in column 1 of the input configuration file); every subdirectory should contain GATK-generated pileup results/logs for each sample from a given pool (with the exception of samples marked as contaminant-only);
- a GATK-compatible interval file per sample pool (includes interval information for variants present in any sample of the pool, with the exception of samples marked as contaminant-only; the intervals are used by GATK during pileup generation);
- bash script file called "", which is used for running all GATK pileup commands necessary for the analysis;
- results file called "IBPC_values.tsv" with sample- and pool-related annotation for all processed variants (includes per-sample variant-level allelic fraction and PC-AF values, as well as information about the associated sample and sample pool).
The code has been run with Python 2.6.6.
Example of a basic plot for visualizing the calculation results:
vars <- read.table(<path to the IBPC_values.tsv results file>, header = T, sep="\t")
geom_point(col = "black", size=3, alpha=0.50) +
geom_point(col = "lightblue4", size=2.5, alpha=0.50) +
geom_point(col="black", size=0.3) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1.19)) +
facet_grid(POOL_ID~.) +
ylab("PC-AF") +
xlab("Sample variant AF") +
ggtitle("Sample variant AF and PC-AF values\n (pool-wise)") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0.2*c(0:5)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0.1*c(0:10)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)) +
background_grid(major = "xy", minor = "xy")
example output plot for results based on two 12-sample pools