Provides golang bindings for libvlc version 2.X/3.X/4.X. This is a work in progress and it is not safe for use in a production environment. The current implementation contains only a small portion of libvlc's functionality.
Full documentation can be found at:
In order to use this project you need to have libvlc-dev installed. On Debian based distributions it can be installed using apt.
sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev
go get
package main
import (
vlc ""
func main() {
// Initialize libvlc. Additional command line arguments can be passed in
// to libvlc by specifying them in the Init function.
if err := vlc.Init("--no-video", "--quiet"); err != nil {
defer vlc.Release()
// Create a new player.
player, err := vlc.NewPlayer()
if err != nil {
defer func() {
// Add a media file from path or from URL.
// Set player media from path:
// media, err := player.LoadMediaFromPath("localpath/test.mp4")
// Set player media from URL:
media, err := player.LoadMediaFromURL("")
if err != nil {
defer media.Release()
// Start playing the media.
err = player.Play()
if err != nil {
// Wait some amount of time for the media to start playing.
// Depends on the version of libvlc. From my tests, libvlc 3.X does not
// need this delay.
// TODO: Implement proper callbacks for getting the state of the media.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// If the media played is a live stream the length will be 0.
length, err := player.MediaLength()
if err != nil || length == 0 {
length = 1000 * 60
time.Sleep(time.Duration(length) * time.Millisecond)
package main
import (
vlc ""
func main() {
// Initialize libvlc. Additional command line arguments can be passed in
// to libvlc by specifying them in the Init function.
if err := vlc.Init("--no-video", "--quiet"); err != nil {
defer vlc.Release()
// Create a new list player.
player, err := vlc.NewListPlayer()
if err != nil {
defer func() {
// Create a new media list.
list, err := vlc.NewMediaList()
if err != nil {
defer list.Release()
err = list.AddMediaFromPath("localpath/example1.mp3")
if err != nil {
err = list.AddMediaFromURL("")
if err != nil {
// Set player media list.
err = player.SetMediaList(list)
if err != nil {
// Media files can be added to the list after the list has been added
// to the player. The player will play these files as well.
err = list.AddMediaFromPath("localpath/example2.mp3")
if err != nil {
// Wait some amount of time for the media to start playing.
// Depends on the version of libvlc. From my tests, libvlc 3.X does not
// need this delay.
// TODO: Implement proper callbacks for getting the state of the media.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Start playing the media list.
err = player.Play()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(60 * 1000 * time.Millisecond)
Contributions in the form of pull requests, issues or just general feedback, are always welcome.
Contributors: adrg, fenimore, tarrsalah
For more information see libvlc.
Copyright (c) 2018 Adrian-George Bostan.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.