NOTICE: There are known bugs that may cause OpenXLT to incorrectly convert XLTek data at this time. We are actively working to fix these issues.
OpenXLT is a free, open-source C++ program for the conversion of EEG data from the Natus XLTek file format to formats readable by other programs. Currently, only the .mat file format is supported for exporting.
For the compilation to work correctly, your system must have Matlab installed and the proper Environment variables set. See this page for instructions.
On a UNIX system, execute the following:
$ ./main <dirname>
where dirname contains the XLTek binary files to convert. Currently, the dirname must have a trailing slash or you will get an error.
On Windows, open a command prompt and CD into the directory with your binary and execute:
main.exe <dirname>
In this case, the dirname must NOT have a trailing backslash. This limitation will be fixed in future versions.
Having trouble with OpenXLT? File a bug report.