The goal of recipeselectors is to provide extra supervised feature selection steps to be used with the tidymodels recipes package.
The package is under development.
The following feature selection methods are implemented:
provides Information Gain feature selection. This step requires theFSelectorRcpp
package to be installed. -
provides maximum Relevancy Minimum Redundancy feature selection. This step requires thepraznik
package to be installed. -
provides ROC-based feature selection based on each predictors' relationship with the response outcomeas measured using a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. Thanks to Max Kuhn, along with many other useful suggestions. -
provides feature selection using statistical association (also thanks to Max Kuhn). -
provides model-based selection using feature importance scores or coefficients. This method allows aparsnip
model specification to be used to select a subset of features based on the models' feature importances or coefficients. See below for details. -
provides a Boruta feature selection step. -
provides a CAR score feature selection step for regression models. This step requires thecare
package to be installed.
Methods that are planned to be added:
Relief-based methods (CORElearn package)
Ensemble feature selection (EFS package)
Decision tree feature selection (with tunable arguments)
Random forest feature selection (with tunable arguments)
Boosted trees feature selection (with tunable arguments)
The focus of recipeselectors
is to provide extra recipes for filter-based
feature selection. A single wrapper method is also included using the variable
importance scores of selected algorithms for feature selection.
The step_select_vip
is designed to work with the parsnip
package and
requires a base model specification that provides a method of ranking the
importance of features, such as feature importance scores or coefficients, with
one score per feature. The base model is specified in the step using the model
A limitation is that the model used in the step_select_vip
cannot be tuned.
This step is likely to be superceded in the future with a more appropriate
structure that allows both variable selection and tuning.
The parsnip package does not currently contain a method of pulling feature
importance scores from models that support them. The recipeselectors
provides a generic function pull_importances
for this purpose that accepts
a fitted parsnip model, and returns a tibble with two columns 'feature' and
model <- boost_tree(mode = "classification") %>%
model_fit <- model %>%
fit(Species ~., iris)
Most of the models and 'engines' that provide feature importances are
implemented. In addition, h2o
models are supported using the h2oparsnip
package. Use methods(pull_importances)
to list models that are currently
implemented. If need to pull the feature importance scores from a model that is
not currently supported in this package, then you can add a class to the
pull_importances generic function which returns a two-column tibble:
pull_importances._ranger <- function(object, scaled = FALSE, ...) {
scores <- ranger::importance(object$fit)
# create a tibble with 'feature' and 'importance' columns
scores <- tibble::tibble(
feature = names(scores),
importance = as.numeric(scores)
# optionally rescale the importance scores
if (scaled)
scores$importance <- scales::rescale(scores$importance)
An example of using the step_importance function:
# load the example iris dataset
# define a base model to use for feature importances
base_model <- rand_forest(mode = "classification") %>%
set_engine("ranger", importance = "permutation")
# create a preprocessing recipe
rec <- iris %>%
recipe(Species ~ .) %>%
step_select_vip(all_predictors(), model = base_model, top_p = 2,
outcome = "Species")
prepped <- prep(rec)
# create a model specification
clf <- decision_tree(mode = "classification") %>%
clf_fitted <- clf %>%
fit(Species ~ ., juice(prepped))