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Hands-on Red Hat Developer Hub Lab

In this lab, you will go through the process of creating, building, and deploying a sample application using the services provided by the Red Hat Developer Hub. This process will include:

  • Creating a GitHub Repo for your application
  • Provide a method to compile and build the application
  • Building a Dockerfile to containerize your application image
  • Uses Open Liberty Operator and tools to aid in deployment using standard GitOps patterns
  • Utilize GitHub actions to trigger CI/CD process
  • Utilize standard CI/CD tools like Tekton, ArgoCD and Kubernetes


1. Initial OCP setup

Login to the OpenShift console, using the following URL:

Use username: ocadmin. Use the password specified in the Lab Guide.

Install Red Hat Marketplace Operators

For convenience, all required Operators have already been installed on your OpenShift cluster. These include:


  • Open Liberty - framework for developing cloud-native Java microservices
  • Red Hat OpenShift GitOps - a Continuous Delivery platform based on Argo CD
  • Keycloak Operator - used to securely authenticate to applications
  • Red Hat Developer Hub Operator - framework for building and managing developer portals

To verify these operators are installed:

  • Switch to the Developer view.
  • Open up the Operators menu item, and select Installed Operators.
  • Ensure the Project filter at the top of the list is set to All Projects.

Use default project

For convenience, we will be using the default project/namespace for this lab. This allows service routes to be hard coded in YAML files that you will be asked to apply. This should make editing of the files easier, or not required, which limits the chance for typos or missed changes.

IMPORTANT: Ensure the default project is selected when completing the remaining steps in this lab.

2. Create Developer Hub instance

To enable use of Red Hat Developer Hub in our Openshift cluster, we need to create a Developer Hub instance.

Click the Import YAML button located at the top of the console. Copy and paste the contents of the file developer-hub-initial.yaml into the YAML editor.

NOTE: Use CTRL-v to paste.

Click Create to create the developer hub instance and acommpanied persistent volume.

NOTE: Backstage is an open-source framework for building developer portals, and it serves as the foundation that Red Hat Developer Hub is built on.

Please be patient, as this may take several minutes to complete.

  • Once instantiated, you will be able to view the instance by clicking the Topology view.


  • Click the graph icon in the upper right to get a graphical view.


Apply the config map for our Developer Hub instance

Click the Import YAML button located at the top of the console.


Copy and paste the contents of the file app-config-rhdh.yaml into the YAML editor.

NOTE: Use CTRL-v to paste.

Click Create to save the config file.

This will create a Config Map named app-config-rhdh.


This version of the config map is filled with default values that will need to be update as we advance through the rest of the lab.

The config map has a number of variable names that we will need to assign proper values to using Secrets. It also has URLs that will need to be modified as we create services and proper links are generated.

Create secret for the backend Developer Hub

From the Developer view:

  • Click on the Secrets menu item.
  • From the Secrets list, click on the Create drop-down menu on the right, and select Key/value secret.

In the Key/value secret form, enter the following values:

  • Set Secret name to secrets-rhdh
  • Set Value to password

Click Create to add the secret.

Note that BACKEND_SECRET is referenced in the config map.


3. Add GitHub integration

To allow Red Hat Developer Hub to create GitHub repositories, we need to configure some set up.

For this you will need a public GitHub account.

Open a new browser tab to your GitHub account and log in.

  • Click on your picture to bring up the user menu.
  • Go to your Settings window, and then click on the <> Developer Settings menu item.
  • Click on GitHub Apps.
  • Click New GitHub App.

From the new GitHub app form:

  • Enter any unique name for the app
  • Enter any valid URL for the homepage - this value will not be used anywhere
  • Leave Callback URL blank
  • [IMPORTANT] Turn off WebHook - Active


For Repository Permissions, set the values to match the following:

  • Actions: RW
  • Administration RW
  • Commit Statuses R
  • Contents: RW
  • Environments: RW
  • Issues: RW
  • Metadata: R
  • Packages: RW
  • Pull Requests: RW
  • Secrets: RW
  • Variables: RW
  • Workflows: RW

For Organization permissions, set the values to match the following:

  • Administration: RW
  • Members: R
  • Variables: RW

Click Create GitHub App to save.

Once created, you will get generated data concerning your app. Some of these values will need to be added to config map. Values needed include:

  • Application ID
  • Client ID


You will also need to generate a client secret and a private key. On this panel, click the associated button to generate both of these keys.



When generating your private key, you will be asked to authenticate your GitHub account. When successfully authenticated, a .pem file will be downloaded to the Downloads directory on your system. From a terminal window, use the cat command to display the file so that you can copy/paste the contents in the next step.


When you copy/paste, include everthing, including the BEGIN RSA and END RSA lines.

DO NOT CLOSE this tab! You will need to copy/paste these values to complete the next step.

You will also need to generate a personal access token. Open another tab to your GitHub account and click on your picture.

  • Click on Settings
  • Click on <> Developer settings
  • Click on the Personal access tokens drop down menu
  • Select Tokens (classic)
  • Click on the Generate new token drop down menu
  • Select Generate new token (classic)

In the New personal access token panel:

  • Enter techxchange lab or similar for note
  • Turn on the following settings:
    • repo
    • workflow
    • delete_repo

Click the Generate token button to generate and display your personal access token.


DO NOT CLOSE this tab! You will need to copy/paste your personal access token to complete the next step.

Create secrets for GitHub integration

Go back to your OpenShift console, and from the Developer view:

  • Click on the Secrets menu item.
  • From the Secrets list, click on the Create drop-down menu on the right, and select Key/value secret.

In the Key/value secret form, enter the following values:

  • Set Secret name to rhdh-secrets-github-integration
  • Set Value to the Client ID

Use the + Add key/value to add another secret. Repeat this action to add the following secrets:

  • Set Key to RHDH_GITHUB_INTEGRATION_APP_CLIENT_SECRET and Value to the Client Secret
  • Set Key to RHDH_GITHUB_INTEGRATION_APP_ID and Value to the Application ID
  • Set Key to RHDH_GITHUB_INTEGRATION_APP_PRIVATE_KEY and Value to the Private Key (downloaded .pem file)
  • Set Key to RHDH_GITHUB_INTEGRATION_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN and Value to the Personal Access Token


4. Create Keycloak resources

We will be using Keycloak to enable proper authentication and authorization for Red Hat Developer Hub. In this step will set up Keycloak and create the needed Keycloak resources.

Apply the 3 Keycloak YAML files located in the keycloak directory.

Using the Import YAML button located at the top of the console, import the files in the following order:

  1. keycloak-postgres.yaml - creates a database for Keycloak to connect to.

Insure the pod is up and running before continuing.


  1. keycloak-instance.yaml - the OpenID Connect user management provider.
  2. keycloak-realm.yaml - pre-configured Keycloak users and access.

From the Administrator view, you should be able to see both Keycloak pods running:


Applying the YAML files will also create Keycloak secrets, which contain usernames and passwords. View them in the Developer view under Secrets:


5. Create Service Account

To further enable security and allow access to Kubernetes resources, we need to create users and roles using RBAC. This will involve creating a Service Account and assigning it a role binding.

To perform this step, you will need to be in the Administrative view.

Navigate to User Management, then click on ServiceAccounts.

From the Service Account panel, click on Create ServiceAccount.

In the YAML editor, change the name value to rhdh-sa.

Click Create to save the Service Account.


NOTE: The creation of the Service Account will automatically generate an associated secret, which will be needed in a later step.

Assign Role Binding to our Service Account

To perform this step, you will need to be in the Administrative view.

Navigate to User Management, then click on RoleBindings.

From the Role Bindings panel, click on Create binding.

In the Create RoleBinding form, set the following values:

  • Binding type to Cluster-wide role binding
  • RoleBinding name to rhdh-sa-rb
  • Role name select cluster-admin (see note)
  • Subject select ServiceAccount
  • Subject namespace select default
  • Subject name to rhdh-sa

NOTE: Setting Role name to cluster-admin is not a best practice from a developers perspective. This would typically be set appropriately by an actual cluster administrator.

Click Create to save the Role Binding.


Update Secrets with Service Account token

When you created your Service Account, an associated secret should have been auto-generated. To find the secret:

  • From the Admistrator view, click on Workloads and then Secrets
  • Identify the secret with the same prefix name as your Service Account, and is of the type service-account-token


Click on the secret to show details.

From the details panel, click on Reveal values to view the token.


Copy the token so that we can add it to an existing Secret.

Return to the list of Secrets and edit the secret secrets-rhdh.

Under the Actions drop-down menu, click Edit Secret.

Add a new key/value pair to the secret, and set:

  • key = SA_TOKEN
  • value = token

SA_TOKEN is referenced in our app-config map.

6. Create ArgoCD instance

In order to utilize ArgoCD in our CI/CD pipeline, we need to create an ArgoCD instance.

From the Admistrator view, click on Installed Operators and then click on the Red Hat Openshift GitOps operator.

Click on the ArgoCD tab, then click the Create ArgoCD button.


Accept all the default values and click Create to save. This will create an ArgoCD instance with the name argocd.

As a result, multiple ArgoCD pods will be deployed in your project (may take a few minutes).


To determine the ArgoCD route, navigate to Networking and click on Routes.


Click on the route to open up the ArgoCD UI.


To get the admin password to log into the ArgoCD UI, navigate to the Developer view, then click on Secrets. Locate the secret named argocd-cluster.


Click on it to show details. The admin password is located at the bottom of the panel

Set Username to admin, and enter the password to login to Argo.


Remember the ArgoCD route and admin password, as they will be needed in the next step.

Update config map with ArgoCD values

Edit the app-config-rhdh config map, and navigate down to the argocd section.

Update the url and password values, using the route URL and admin password obtained in the last step. Remember to save your changes.


NOTE: Do not include a trailing / at the end of the url.

7. Create a dynamic plug-in config map

In order to enable use of the integrated plugins for Red Hat Developer Hub, including the Liberty plugin, we need to create a dynamic plug-in config map.

Click the Import YAML button located at the top of the console.


Copy and paste the contents of the file dynamic-plugins-rhdh.yaml into the YAML editor.

This will create a Config Map named dynamic-plugins-rhdh.


This enables all of the Red Hat Developer Hub plug-ins.

8. Reconfigure Red Hat Developer Hub

To be able to utilize the changes we've made, we'll need to reconfigure the Red Hat Developer Hub instance.

From the Administrator view, go to the Installed Operators list and click on Red Hat Developer Hub Operator.

From the operator panel, click on the Red Hat Developer Hub tab.

Click Edit backstage using the drop-down menu for the developer-hub instance.


Replace the spec section with the contents of the developer-hub.yaml file.


Save your changes.

This change will result in the restarting of the backstage-developer-hub pod (shown as in the Init stage).


This restart process may take 5-10 minutes. You can click on the pod and then click the Logs tab to see the progress.


When complete, the status will be set to Running.


9. Open Red Hat Developer Hub instance

Now that we have everything configured, let's open up the Red Hat Developer Hub instance and build our application.

From the Administrator view, click on Networking, and then Routes.

Click on the backstage-developer-hub route URL.


Sign into Red Hat Developer Hub backstage OIDC page by clicking Sign In.


The username and password have already been set when we configured KeyCloak.

  • Username: user1
  • Password: rhdh


Create Liberty App

From the main menu, click on Create....


Click Register Existing Component to add our Open liberty template.


For Select URL, enter the Open Liberty "Getting Started" app template URL:

Click Analyze.

Once complete, click Import to start the process of adding the components to the Red Hat Developer Hub catalog.

Click Create... again to see the newly added template.


From the Open Liberty Starter App panel, click the Choose button.

Enter any blank required fields and press Next to continue through field options.

  • Repo Owner: Your GitHub account username
  • Namespace: default
  • Application Id: liberty-app-1 (must be unique)
  • Select a CI method: GitHub Actions


From the Review page, click Create.

Verify that it passes all of the steps in the pipeline. Note that if you Start Over, you will need to provide a new unique Application Id value.


Click Catalog to see it was added.


Click on the service to get more details.


Click on the Kubernetes tab to see deployment details:


Click on the Docs tab to see the GitHub repo README file:


Access the application

NOTE: This may change if the Liberty plug-in is available.

Click on the Deployment link to return back to the OpenShift console.


This will show deployment details about the app.


Click on the Topology menu item and locate the application node.


Click on the Open URL icon to access the application.


View GitHub actions

Click on the View Source link to open up a new browser tab to your GitHub repo:


From the GitHub repo panel, click the Actions tab to display the workflow runs.


Click on initial commit to get details on the initial deployment.


Click on the build-and-push-image button to see each step in the build pipeline. Each step can be expanded to show logs.


Click on the Code tab, and then click on the package application link.


This display the details on the image created for the application.


Modify the application

To change the home page of the application, navigate to `src/main/webapp/index.html'. In edit mode, modify the string in the header, and then commit the change.

Note: Commit directly to the main branch.


Once you commit the change, a new workflow will be triggered. You can view it by clicking the Actions tab.


In order to see the change in the application, we will need to restart the pod in OpenShift. From the Red Hat Developer Hub Backstage console, click the Deployment link to return back to the OpenShift console.


Using the up and down arrows, stop the pod by clicking the down arrow.


After stopping the pod, it will automatically restart.

Click on the Topology menu item and locate the application node.


Click on the Open URL icon to access the application and see the updated header string.



Red Hat Developer Hub Lab







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