adapted from
Download SelectionPalette via the Glyphs Plugin Manager. (Window > Plugin Manager)
- Clone or download this repository
- (Unzip if necessary) and open the file with the
extension. - Follow the "are you sure you want to install" dialogs
- Restart glyphs
In the Edit menu, you'll see some new commands under the other selection commands that all have corresponding keyboard shortcuts for easy access:
Removes the last-selected node from the selection set
Selects a node based on the pattern of the last two nodes you selected
Adds closest siblings of selected nodes to the selection set
Shrinks outer edges of a selection set
Selects all nodes between two selected nodes (the two most recently selected nodes)
Corner, cap, and segment components are all linked to a given node. This command transfers selections of nodes to their linked components.
The palette in the sidebar contain selection operations for several types of elements:
Nodes with even handles
Filters for
- All
- Extremes
- Non-extremes
Nodes with uneven handles
Filters for:
- All
- Extremes
- Non-extremes
Nodes bordering lines (path segments without handles)
Filters for:
- All
- Extremes
- Non-extremes
Offcurve nodes
Filters for:
- All
- Extremes
- Non-extremes
Includes basic components, smart components
Filters for:
- Unlocked
- Locked
- All
Includes corner, cap, and segment nodes
Filters for:
- All
- Corners
- Caps
- Segments
Anchors for composite glyphs
Filters for:
- All
- Anchors (for base glyphs)
- Underscored Anchors (for combining glyphs)
- Entry (for cursive attachment)
- Exit (for cursive attachment)
Filters for:
- Unlocked
- Locked
- Global
- Local
- All
Each type allows for three selection operations
- Add elements of type to current selection
- Subtract elements from current selection
- Select only elements of type from current selection